Chapter 70

7 1 14

- June 18th 1976 - 


Today was Friday and Alan's birthday would be on Sunday. This meant today would be the day we begin to get things together for his birthday but we also have a couple of things to do in the house. We didn't have studio work today which was always interesting.

"What do you want to do this morning?" Eric asked as he looked over at me.

We were still lying in bed pondering what we wanted to do first today.

"I have no idea but I know we should eat some breakfast," I said.

"That's true," he replied.

I smiled and kissed him. He returned the kiss and smiled at me.

"My favorite part of the morning is that," he said.

"Mine too," I said but getting out of bed.

We both go out of bed and got dressed. We then headed to the kitchen.

"What do we want to have for breakfast?" Eric asked.

"I think some toast could be nice. I am not too hungry right now," I said.

"Surprisingly me neither. Maybe we will have an early brunch," he said.

We made some toast and coffee and sat down to eat.

"Do you think Alan is going to like the gifts we picked out?" Eric asked.

"I know he is going to love them. He is the kind of guy who admires anything someone picks out for him. It is kind of one of the things I admire in him," I said.

"Me too. He has been on the farm a lot and I know he is going to be slowly working his way into the studio," Eric commented.

"I think it is going to be fun having him in there on the technical side soon," I said.

"I know. He is a lot of fun and I think it is going to be different when it comes to having him on that side rather than the other side," he said.

We threw our paper plates out and washed our coffee cups.

"Well shall we go out and buy the decorations today?" I asked.

"I think that would be good. And then tomorrow we can decorate so Sunday he can come over with the gang in the morning," he said.

"We just have to make sure he is not going to be showing up tomorrow here. I think we could keep him out if we go see them tomorrow," I said.

"Good point. I think that would work," he replied

We got our stuff and headed out to the store.

"I think decorating is one of my favorite parts of birthdays," I said.

"Mine too. It is kind of fun to blow up all of the balloons and such," he said.

We got out of the car and headed on inside to the store.

"Should we get the snacks and drinks now while we is here?" I asked.

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