Chapter 38

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- December 2nd - 


We had landed in Australia last night. The flight was quite exhausting since it was such a long flight. We were going to be here in Aussie for the whole week and it was going to be a very busy week. Eric and the boys have some concerts and interviews. Everything is kind of jam-packed. Meanwhile, me and Matthew would be meeting with different artists and getting new perspectives on the people out here.

"This is going to be a long week. I am excited for it but the problem is I am not too sure how tired I am going to be by the end of it," Eric said.

"I know my love," I said.

"I don't know how it all got jammed into one week. It was supposed to be two weeks but with the weather they want us out sooner," Eric said.

"I know," I said.

"What I find to be the most weird is how it is going to be bright and fine here but when we get back to Scotland," Eric said.

"I know it is going to be some weird weather going on," I said but playing with his hair.

"I like how it is 6 in the morning right now and we have to be out of here in 2 hours," Eric said.

"And what time are you supposed to be done with everything today?" I asked.

"Supposed to be like 6 pm," Eric said.

"So, 7 am to 6 pm?" I asked.

"Yeah, and my body clock is all wrong right now," he replied.

"I know the jet lag is not the best thing when you have things to get done," I said.

Eric sat up and stretched his arms out.

"The only good thing about this whole thing is I got you by my side. And I got the boys I can only imagine how they are doing," Eric said.

"They are all sharing hotel rooms both ways right?" I asked.

"Yeah, Woody and Les are in one and then Derek and Alan are in the other one," Eric said.

"I like how Derek and Alan are always  together," I said.

"Well being brothers you get to be close as time goes on," he replied.

"True," I said.

"And then you got Matthew with his girl in another room," he said.

"Yeah, I think it is kind of cool how he has a girl who is so supportive of him," I said.

Eric got out of bed and went to get ready first. I then got ready after him.

"I hope the breakfast is good here," Eric said as he rubbed his eye.

"I know. I hope so too," I said.

We headed down to the lobby after we both got ready. It was 7 am by this time. We got our food and coffee and sat down at one of the lobby tables.

"This does look pretty good for being pancakes," Eric commented.

"True," I said.

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