Chapter 56

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- February 25th 1976 - 


Today was Woody's birthday and he decided he wanted to go bowling for his birthday and go rollerblading after. We thought this would be a lot of fun for us to do. 

"I think this is going to be a lot of fun," Woody said.

We all got in the cars split into two as always. Matthew was with us this time. 

"I am excited to bowl. I have not been bowling in a wee bit of time so it is going to be interesting," I said.

"I bet everyone is going to be a good bowler," Matthew said.

"To be honest I am not the best at bowling but just going is going to be a lot of fun," Eric commented.

"I think this is going to be fun to see who out of us is going to be the best one," Woody commented.

We got to the bowling alley and piled out of both cars. Heading inside as our own little gang.

"This is going to be a lot of fun," Alan said.

"It really is," Les said.

"Time to get our bowling shoes on," Derek said.

"This seems like it will be cool," Ian said.

"You have been quiet?" I asked.

"I know. I will try and be a little more talkative," Ian said.

I smiled.

We all got fitted for our bowling shoes and headed on over to the alleys. We got some cokes to have while we played.

"And then after this guys we are going to be rollerblading. I think it is going to be a lot of fun," Woody said.

"I think it is interesting how we all have different ideas for our birthdays," Matthew said.

"Isn't that what makes us all different?" Derek asked.

"Maybe you are right," Matthew said with a chuckle.

We all got to playing.. A few minutes in and Woody was already winning.

"Either you guys are letting me win because it is my birthday or am I just this good?" Woody asked with a chuckle.

"Maybe it could be a mix of both?" Les commented.

"Well don't be letting me win just because it is my birthday. Come on make it a fair chance," Woody said.

"Whatever you want," Eric said as he stepped up to bowl.

Eric got a strike on his throw.

"Okay, you did not have to show me up like that," Woody said with a chuckle.

"Good job," Ian said.

"Well you said not to go easy on youu," Eric said.

"Okay, let's see how I do now then," Les said as he stepped up to bowl.

Les got a strike as well.

"Mmmkay, well let's see," Woody said as he stepped up to bowl.

Woody knocked down all but 1 pin.

"Okayy, not too bad," I said.

"Now let's see if I miss this pin," Woody said as he threw the ball and got the last pin.

"Good job," Matthew said with a chuckle.

"I knew I could get it," Woody said.

We continued our game and at the end of the game Eric ended up winning. Matthew came in last place and the rest of us placed in between them. We headed out of the bowling alley and out to the cars.

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