Chapter 25

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- Next Day October 21st, 1975 -


Today was Eric's birthday. I had snuck out of bed kind of early and met with Derek in the kitchen.

"Do you think he would want a breakfast cupcake or a breakfast pancake?" Derek asked.

"I feel like a pancake stack might be easier on time," I said.

We were communicating kind of quietly in the kitchen to make sure we would not wake the others.

"I am so glad someone can wake up early to do something like this," Derek said with a chuckle.

"I like doing these kinds of things for people I care about," I said.

"Let me get out the candles and you can work on the pancakes," Derek said.

I began to mix up a batter for pancakes and Derek turned on the stove.

"What time is it anyway?" I asked.

"I believe it is like 7:15," Derek replied.

Derek put the candles on the counter and I began to make the pancakes. 

We got the pancakes made and we put the candle in it and walking upstairs to Eric's room. We had the lighter with us.

The other boys woke up and joined us walking into Eric's room. Eric was awake and looking over at us.

"What is this?" Eric asked.

They all sang and I lit the candle but I sang along.

"Aww," Eric said sitting up to blow out the candle.

"Hope you like it," I said with a smile.

"Who made the pancakes?" Eric asked.

"She did," Derek said pointing at me.

I removed the candle and handed him the pancakes. Derek handed him a cup of orange juice.

"This is so sweet of you guys," Eric said.

"We try to be," Woody said.

"You just sang dude," Derek said.

"Still," Woody said.

"What do you want to do today?" Les asked as he stood near the door.

I sat down on the bed.

"Anything is going to be fun," Eric said.

"Well tonight we have something planned. We know you are not too into surprises so just know something is planned for tonight," Alan said.

"Sounds like a lot of fun," Eric said.

"How are the pancakes?" Alan asked.

"Good," Eric said while eating.

Everyone left the room and I stayed sitting on the bed.

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