Chapter 6

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- Few Weeks Went By it was now April- 


A few weeks had gone by since the Rollers had gone back on the road. I have not heard much from them since. It's also been weeks since I broke up with Hawk. I miss him sometimes but I do not miss all of the lies he told. I found out from others he had been lying to me about even more things than I knew. It hurt me to find this out but I got away from it and I am thriving right now.

"Do you think Eric will call sometime soon?" I asked looking at Matthew. 

"I could not tell you but maybe it depends on where they could be at the moment," Matthew replied.

It was towards the end of our day and we were cleaning up everything to head home. We had been working with different artists as the weeks went by so we were extra busy. 

"Is it weird to say I miss him even though I barely know him?" I ask.

"No, it is not weird for you to say it. I would think the same way if I was in that situation," Matthew replied.

"I wish I could have his number but being on tour it is not like he has a number for me to call," I commented.

We were locking the door and heading out of the building.

"Do you want to come hang out at my house?" I ask looking over at Matthew.

"Sounds like fun. I have nothing else better to do with my time," Matthew commented with a chuckle.

We headed to my house by this time it was like 4 pm. We headed inside the house and got situated.

"Are you hungry?" I asked but rummaging in the fridge.

"You know I am always hungry," Matthew said.

I pulled out some frozen grilled chicken and pulled out some tortillas. 

"Should I make grilled chicken tortillas?" I asked.

"Yes, but can you add cheese?" Matthew asked.

"I can do that," I said pulling out cheese from the fridge.

I made us some dinner and we sat down to eat. Shortly the phone began to ring. 

"Who could be calling me?" I ask but going over to the phone and answering. 

"Hello," A voice came over the phone.

"Hi," I said but trying to distinguish the voice.

"Do you remember me?" The voice asked.

"Eric?" I asked.

"I am impressed," Eric said with a chuckle.

Matthew's eyes moved over to me and I could feel him staring at me.

"Long time no talk," I said.

"I know I am sorry I have not given you a call like I promised. How have you been these past few weeks?" Eric asked.

"I have been doing alright just living life. How have you been?" I asked.

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