Chapter 41

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- A few days later almost nearing our time in Aussie - 


Today is a day we get to explore the town. We have been to Aussie a few times but not to do anything but strictly business. Me and Eric are planning on exploring together and everyone is going to go their ways.

"This is going to be so much fun," Eric said looking at me.

"I know and I am excited we found the Sydney Botanic Gardens," I said.

"I like how no matter where we are or where we go we always end up in a garden type of situation," he said.

"It just makes it that much better. I like seeing all the different flowers and things the world has to offer," I said.

"I know and one of these days we will be able to see every single one that is all around the world," he said looking at me.

I smiled at the thought of it as I grabbed my camera.

We had some breakfast and headed right out of the hotel and off to our destination.

"This is going to be a lot of fun and I like how warm it is out here," Eric said as we walked along the gardens.

"I know and when we get back it is going to be the complete opposite," I said.

"It is kind of weird how all of that works you know? I have always thought about it but never chose to look into the study of it," he replied.

"I know it would be something interesting to look into," I said.

I took photos of the flowers and plants along the way.

"Pose right here," I said pointing.

"Whyy," he said with a chuckle as he posed.

I snapped a picture.

"Because I like to have a lot of photos of you and it makes me happy being able to look at them," I said.

"Do you have an album of us?" he asked.

"I do. I have a couple of them actually which is kind of nice," I said.

He pulled me over to him and took a picture of us together.

"I hope I did not blink in that photo," I said with a chuckle.

"I am sure you did not," he replied.

"I think I have a lot of cameras which is kind of interesting," I said.

"I always find it to be cool," he replied.

"I just have a way with cameras," I said.

"How come you have not picked it up as a hobby?" he asked.

"I don't know to be honest. I just think it is kind of cool to have them for myself and for us you know," I said.

"Mhm," he said with a smile.

The sun shined on his hair so bright and his eyes lit up in the sunlight.

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