Chapter 14

10 1 15

- Next Day - 


Yesterday was a nice day but today I had work which sucked. All I wanted to do was keep spending time with Eric but we all have to work at some point, right? 

I got out of bed as quietly as possible since it was like 6 in the morning. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep and I was so grateful to have him with me. 

I got ready for the day and eventually, Eric woke up.

"Mmmm," Eric mumbled as he opened his eyes.

"Good morning sleepyhead," I said with a smile.

"Good morning," He replied while rubbing his eye.

"How did you sleep?" I asked while looking over at him.

"Good as always when I am with you," He replied.

"I hate that I have to go to work today. I tried to be as quiet as possible," I said.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"It is like 7:15 I think," I said.

"Is this how early you get up to go to work?" He asked.

"Yeah, I wake up about 6 every day I have work," I said.

"I could never do that," Eric replied yawning again.

"You're adorable," I said while finishing getting dressed.

"You are too," He replied.

This mans morning voice I will never get over. It was so soft and rough.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked while sitting up in the bed and looking at me.

"Just you," I said while sitting on the edge of the bed.

"How soon do you have to leave for work?" He asked.

"I have like 30 minutes," I said looking at him.

"Okay, I will find something to do while you are gone at work. When do you get back?" He asked.

"At 2 I should be back depending on the work load I have," I said.

"Sounds like a plan then," He commented.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Gimmie kiss," He said.

I went over and gave him a kiss.

"Thank you," He said with a chuckle.

"Anything for you," I said.

"Anything?" He asked looking at me.

"Yes, anything," I replied.

"Can we get ice cream later then?" He asked.

"Yes, and that sounds good too," I said.

"I will be waiting for it then," He commented with a chuckle.

"Also you can do anything you want around here. My home is your home," I said.

"Hm, interesting alright. I might have to do some exploring while you are gone then," He commented.

"There is a lot of things to do around here you know," I said.

"I will probably find out," He replied.

"Yeah," I said.

"Do you and Matthew work together every single day?" He asked.

"Yeah, since we are partners we kind of deal with everything together," I said.

"So it is kind of like a duo effort," He replied.

"Basically, yes," I commented.

"Sounds like a fun job," He replied.

I would end up leaving for work and Eric would stay at the house doing whatever he wanted to do. I walked into the studio.

"Hey Matthew," I said while walking in. 

"Hey Y/N, how you been?" He asked shifting to look at me.

"I have been good you know. Living life and having a good time," I said.

"I don't think I have seen you this happy in such a long time," He replied.

"I know it has been a while," I said.

"I like this version of you. She is not so mean as she once was," He replied.

"It is kind of weird how your attitude changes based on the people around you. It also changes on the way life goes around you," I said.

"Oh, of course. You know me I am someone who is just on my own and living life so it is pretty great," He commented.

I put my things down and got situated to get to work.

"I think it is cool how you have finally found happiness," He said.

"I know but let's focus on work now," I said.

"I think this is going to be a simple day. We have some songs to get written and just some behind the scenes things to do," He replied.

"Is there any artists coming in today?" I asked.

He looked over the schedule.

"No, we do not have anyone in until 2 days from now. And it is going to be a local artist which is going to be fun," Matthew replied.

"I think it is interesting how we have so many people who come here," I said.

"I like how different people are when they come in. Like some are calm and some are just like out of their minds," Matthew said with a chuckle.

"I wonder what people think when they walk in here," I said.

"I know our studio is kind of in the middle of so many different things. I guess to get more artists in here we would have to move places," He said.

"Wouldn't it be fun to open a second studio?" I asked.

"Oh, of course it would. And it would bring in some good money as well," He replied.

"Money is always the first thing you are thinking about, isn't it?" I asked.

"Yes, it kind of is which is always a good thing though," He replied.

"I guess money is what makes  the world go around besides life and people," I said.

"Now you are opening your eyes and seeing what I have been saying for the longest of time," He replied.

"I guess so. I think it is kind of cool to see life in a new way," I said.

"Life is kind of weird in the way it works," He replied.

"We are always talking about how life works," I said.

"I should find myself a girlfriend one of these days. I just think work is more of my focus than living my life," He said.

"Well you know an outlet might be the thing you need for yourself," I said.

"Maybe but I do not know if I could see myself dating someone right now," He replied.

"Well you could always explore your options or something," I said.

"I guess I could but I do not know if anyone would like me," He replied.

"I think someone would like you as a person. I mean you are a cool dude and any girl would be lucky to have you in their life," I said.

"Aww, thanks," He said.

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