Chapter 67

8 1 14

- May 27th 1976 - 


We have been here in Paris for about ten days now and it has been a lot of fun. We sent a couple of postcards from here to the boys. We are hoping they do make it to them we thought this would be fun for them to get something in the mail from us while we are away.

"I have been having so much fun doing all these things with you," Eric said as he looked at me.

"Me too. This has been one of my favorite trips I have ever been on," I said.

"Me too and like we talked about when we first got here it has been nice to work on our schedule and not have any deadlines," he said.

"I know it is kind of nice knowing we have nobody to please but ourselves with our time stamps," I said with a chuckle.

"It will be fun to get back to work in the studio but you know how life goes. I also think it is going to be fun going to America soon," he replied.

"Oh that is true the America trip is going to be coming up soon," I said.

"Yeah, we have a couple of things to do out there. I think America is a fun place to be but some of the foods are kind of wild," Eric said with a chuckle.

"And that is probably something people say about the places we are from. Heck some of the foods here have been a bit wild also," I said.

"I guess it is kind of something with all different cultures. I think it is cool to learn so many new foods at the same time," Eric said.

"That is one of the best parts about being able to do the things we do," I said.

"And since Ian came into our lives we have learned a bunch about Irish tradition and the place itself," Eric said.

"True and that is a lot of fun to learn," I said with a smile.

"Well enough chit chatting about life what should we do with our lives today?" he asked.

"I kind of want to go find a book store and explore it. I saw one that kind of looks like it could be big inside and they have coffee," I said.

"Sounds like something we should do. How about it?" he asked.

We got off the bed and headed out of the hotel and out to taxi.

"I feel like taxis have become our best friend at this point," I said.

"Aren't they always? I feel like it is more easy to get a taxi than learn the place ourselves," he said.

"Mmm, true good point," I said.

We headed to the book store and went on inside.

"Aww, this place is so cute," Eric commented as we walked inside.

"It really is," I said.

We begun to browse around and picking up a couple of books looking through them.

"I feel like they have a large selection of literature," he said.

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