Chapter 17

14 1 23

- October of 1975 when Y/N and Matthew fly into Edinburgh - 


Me and Eric were never too far apart. It was just we hadn't had much time to fly out and visit each other because we were always so busy. This month would be different though so many things were changing.

We got off the plane and we were picked up by Derek. We hadn't told many of them we would be coming. Matthew was able to get Derek's number a while ago so that is how this played out.

"Eric doesn't even know we were coming right?" I asked.

"Nope, he has no clue you guys would even be in town. I think it is kind of cute how you planned it out for his birthday," Derek commented.

"I know I thought it would be good for his birthday. I also thought with Matthew that if we spend a month out here we could figure if we would want to move out here," I said.

"Ooo, you guys are planning on maybe moving out here?" Derek asked as he drove.

"Yeah, we thought it would be cool. We would be closer to you guys and it would just work out well," Matthew said.

"That would be cool. You guys are always so much fun to hang out with," Derek said.

"We try to be," Matthew said.

"I forgot how beautiful this city was," I said while looking out the window.

"It is a quiet town too which is always a plus," Derek commented.

"Do you guys all share a house?" I asked.

"Yeah, we do. It is just easier for music and stuff but we are planning on kind of splitting up to find our own places," Derek said.

"So like stepping out to kind of find yourselves?" Matthew asked.

"Kind of yeah. It would be like me and Alan moving out together. Then like Woody and Les I don't know but you get the point," Derek said.

"Ah I see," I said.

"And then if you move out here then Eric might want to move in with you," Derek commented.

"Has he ever talked about that?" I asked.

"Kind of. He thinks it would make you guys be a lot closer but of course he does not know you is coming out here," Derek said but parking the car.

"I can't wait to see his reaction," Matthew said.

"It sure will be cute," Derek said.

We all got out of the car and Derek opened the door for us.

"ERIC COME HERE," Derek shouted out.

Eric came downstairs.

"What is i-," Eric said while cutting himself off and running over to me.

We hugged and he picked me up like he always did.

"You didn't tell me you were going to be coming?" Eric asked not letting me out of his hug.

"I wanted to surprise you," I said while smiling.

"Surprise," Derek said.

"How did you know about this whole thing?" Eric asked while putting me down and looking at Derek.

"I have my ways," Derek said while sitting down on the couch.

"He does have his ways," Matthew said with a chuckle.

"You were involved huh?" Eric asked with a chuckle.

"Always has something to do with me," Matthew commented.

"Are you guys going to be staying with us or at a hotel?" Eric asked.

"We got a hotel so we would not be in the way of things," I said.

"You would not be in the way of things but you guys better stay here for a bit of time," Eric said.

"Oh of course they will stay here. The hotel is mainly for sleeping they get to hang out with us," Derek said.

"You do not know how happy I am right now," Eric said while smiling.

"I think this is the main time I see you smile is when she is around you," Derek said.

"Well, I can't help it okay," Eric said trying to hide his smile.

"Hey, don't hide your smile," I said pecking his lips.

"I deserve a real kiss," Eric said looking at me.

I kissed his lips softly and smiled.

"Thank you," Eric said.

The rest of the boys came in the room.

"Long time no see," Les said walking into the room.

"Hey guys," Matthew said.

Everyone had their time to reunite. It was interesting having a group of friends like this but it was so nice.

"What time is it?" Alan asked.

"I think it is like 1 or something," Les replied.

"Sounds like we have a day ahead of us but we also should think about doing something," Derek said.

"What kinds of things are there for us to do?" Woody asked.

"A handful of things we could sit outside in the backyard and just admire nature. We could all go for a walk or something," Les commented.

"I think we could go for a walk and show Y/N and Matthew our neighborhood. It truly is beautiful," Derek said.

"Are you guys going to stay in this neighborhood if you guys part ways from the house?" Matthew asked.

"Well I am kind of sure one of us will keep the house since it is paid off but you get the point. I think it could be fun to stay around the same area," Derek said.

"How long were you guys planning this?" Eric asked.

"A while and since it's your birthday month we are here for the whole month," I said.

"And if we like the town we might be moving here," Matthew commented.

Eric looked at me kind of in disbelief.

"You are thinking about moving here?" Eric asked.

"Yeah, we thought change would be good and to be closer to you it would be so good," I said.

"She misses you more often than none," Matthew commented.

"Well I miss her more than anything too," Eric said.

"We would be a lot closer and me and Matthew want to make our business more travel friendly," I said.

"It is going to be a lot of fun making so many changes to our lives," Matthew said.

"Like are you going to move here for good or like have your house still?" Eric asked.

"We have no idea yet but we will be figuring it out one step at a time," I said.

"Well I am so excited to be able to see how things turn out," Eric replied with a smile.

We all then decided it would be time to head out for the walk and me and Matthew took in the neighborhood and the kind of people around. 

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