Chapter 62

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- Later on April Fool's Day - 


I was in the kitchen making dinner and everyone was out of the house. It was rather quiet so I did not know when the boys would be showing up. I am the one who said I would make dinner so we will see how it goes.

Alan was the first one to walk in the door.

"Hey Y/N," Alan said as he closed the door behind him.

"Hi Alan, how are you?" I asked as I finished making the dinner.

"Good, I am sorry for acting like a kid earlier," Alan said as he walked into the kitchen.

"It's okay that is kind of the point of the day," I said.

"I brought a cake for us to have for dessert," Alan said.

"Ooo sounds good," I said.

Alan put the cake on the counter and looked at me.

"Do you need help with anything?" Alan asked.

"If you want to get out some plates that would be nice," I said.

"This cabinet?" he asked as he pointed.

"Yes," I replied.

He got out the plates and soon enough Ian showed up.

"Hey guys," Ian said as he walked in the door.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," Alan said.

"I am kind of shocked Eric is not here," Ian said.

"He is out with Woody right now I think," I said.

"Ah, they probably went out to do something then," Alan commented.

"Do you need help with anything?" Ian asked.

"We could get the drinks done," Alan said.

Ian and Alan continued to help me in the kitchen.

Les and Derek walked in the door next.

"Hey guys," they said in sync.

"Now I am kind of surprised Eric and Woody are the last to show," Alan commented.

"Same, I am kind of interested in what they could be doing," I said.

"I guess it is not for you to know," Derek said.

"Oh, that makes me so much happier," I said with a chuckle.

We got the food situated and everything laid out for dinner.

Woody walked in the door. Still no Eric.

"Hey Woody, where is Eric?" I asked.

"I think I lost him on the way in here," Woody said as he looked behind him.

"Hopefully he will be here soon," Les commented.

"He should be," Ian said.

Eric walked into the house backwards.

"Why are you walking backwards?" I asked.

"Don't ask why just close your eyes and come into the living room," Eric said.

I looked at Alan and Ian.

"Gooo," Alan said with encouragement. 

"Okk," I said.

I walked into the living room and Eric turned around with flowers in his hands.

"These are for you," Eric said as he looked at me.

"Why my love?" I asked.

"Just because," Eric said.

I took the flowers and smiled.

"I think it is cute how you always get me flowers," I said with a smile.

"It is my favorite thing to do," Eric replied.

"See he was gone for a good reason," Woody said with a chuckle.

"I thought you did forget him to be honest on your way in here," Derek said with a chuckle.

"Nope. It was all part of the plan," Woody said.

"You guys have been doing a lot of things like this lately," Les said.

"Well it is kind of part of nature now," Woody replied.

We all went into the kitchen. I had put the flowers on the counter in the kitchen.

"What are we having?" Derek asked.

"Food," Alan replied with a chuckle.

We all sat down to eat and enjoyed our meal together. Eventually we got everything cleaned up and Alan passed out dessert.

"This is nice you have made us dessert," Ian said.

"Well it is one of those things that makes me happy to do," Alan said.

We enjoyed our dessert and then we all headed to the living room.

"We should plan out to do a sleep over one of these days," Les said.

"At who's house?" Ian asked.

"I think your guys house could be good," Derek said as he looked at me and Eric.

"I think it is something we could plan out to do," Eric said.

"It would be a lot of fun to hang out and have snacks. We could maybe watch a movie," Alan said.

"That is true. We could look into doing it one of these days and maybe we could do it quite often come the summer," Les said.

"I think summer sleep overs are kind of fun," I said.

"I think it is funny how Matthew is not here," Derek said.

"He said he found another girl to go out with. He is kind of just jumping around in the dating world right now," I said.

"That is always fun for a guy to do," Alan replied.

"I guess," I said.

"Maybe one of these days he is going to find the right girl for him. I kind of did think Ava was the right girl for him but," Derek said.

"Yeah, same she was a cool kid," I said.

"Sometimes things just are not meant to be," Les said.

"True," I said.

We all turned on the tv it was around 7 by this time.

"What time do you want to head home?" Les asked Woody.

"8 could be good," Woody replied.

"Sounds like a good plan," Les replied.

"We can get out whenever you would like to do so," Derek said as he looked at Alan.

"Sounds good," Alan replied.

"Whoever wants to take me home will be fine," Ian said with a chuckle.

"We will take ya," Alan commented.

"Sounds good," Ian said.

"I think it is fun how we always get to hang out," I said.

"Same, it is quite fun hanging out with you guys," Ian said.

"I like how much fun you add to the group hang out sessions," Les said.

"I know," Ian replied with a chuckle.

"Time is kind of cool how it brings us close together," Eric commented.

"I know. That is kind of why I admire the idea of time," I said.

"What do you think of this movie?" Eric asked as he looked at the tv.

"I think this could be a good movie even though I have no idea what it is about," Les said.

"Sounds fun we will keep it here then," Eric said as he put the channel down.

We relaxed all together and watched the movie before the guys slowly chose to go home. Me and Eric would go to bed once everyone was gone from the house. 

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