Chapter 30

11 1 9

- November 5th - 


The studio has officially been picked up and is on its way to Edinburgh. Me and Matthew were standing in the empty lot it was kind of weird.

"The silence as we stand here and look at this empty view," I said.

"I know but this is opening so many things up for us now," he replied.

"I know and now we get to continue to get rid of our things and figure out what we want to take with us to our new place," I said.

"It is going to be a lot of fun and since we have gotten a good amount to start with," he replied.

We both decided to head back to our houses. We would be out of work for a few weeks but we got paid for other things we did in the meantime.

I walked into my house and spent the entire day just getting things out. Whether it be for donations, to sell or to move to the new house.

I decided to phone the movers and I had them come in to help me pack up some stuff. It was a long day I spent until almost 10pm doing this. 

I did not hear from Eric today which was weird but I assumed he was busy with the studio and such.

- Skips to the next morning - 

These days were spent packing, loading up the moving trucks, and naming prices for the sale I would be having.

"How is it going?" Eric asked.

We were on the phone at this time in the morning where we both had some time.

"It is going good. It is just so freaking busy with the move and everything. I am just glad the studio part is done and situated," I said.

"That sounds like a good thing. I have been busy in the studio myself me and the boys are working on some new music," he replied.

"That sounds like a lot of fun," I said.

"How long will you be working on those things today?" Eric asked.

"I will be working on this my entire day for the next few I think," I said.

"I forgot how much it takes to move," Eric replied.

"Yeah, it takes a lot of time for these things to be in order," I said.

"Yeah, it does," Eric said.

We would hang up after we talked for a little bit more of time.

I went back to packing and Matthew showed up.

"How are you doing over here?" Matthew asked as he walked in the door.

"I am doing good this is becoming a lot of work but the movers are making it so much more easy on me," I said.

"I think it is kind of fun to pack everything up. I do not have much left to go since I did not have much to move in the first place," Matthew said.

"Well yes you live in an apartment so you did not have many places to store some shit," I said with a chuckle.

"I guess you have a good point there," he replied.

"I think the idea of having a new place to move to is going to be a lot of fun," I said.

"We get to move our ideas into a new place and a new space," he replied.

"What do you think about the idea of new ideas? Do you like coming up with new ideas?" I asked.

"Of course. That is kind of why I love the idea of our job. It gives us so much freedom," he replied.

"I think having creative freedom in this industry is one of the most important things," I said.

"Do you think we are going to have some more business while we move to another place?" Matthew asked.

"I have a good feeling our business is going to be picking up. I think we will have some new faces who could come to us in this time," I said.

"I feel like our business has been kind of slow lately which is interesting," he replied.

"I know but then again the other thing is we are in November," I said.

"That is true. It could be because of November but you would think with the idea of the holidays coming," he replied.

"I know but some people don't record the songs this time of year. Most of the time people choose to do those things before November," I said.

"I guess so which is why it would make it make a lot of sense," he replied.

"Well do you think you could help me out? I have a lot of things to go through," I said.

"Of course," he replied.

"Let's see I need to get rid of a lot of these things. This is because a new space will require new things and not things I have gathered over the years," I said.

"You have an issue but it is okay. I am going to get you out of these tendencies you have going on," he replied.

We began to go through the things we have in this house. I had collected a lot of things over the years.

"Why do you have these things?" Matthew asked showing me a doll.

"It was a doll from my childhood," I said.

"Aww, that is kind of cute but I don't think you need all of these things," he replied.

"I think I will keep this one and get rid of the rest of them," I said.

"I want to hold onto this one," he replied but getting one of the dolls.

"Okay then," I said.

We continued to go through a couple of more boxes. I had got rid of a lot of things and tomorrow it would be time to make a sale.

"I think the idea of selling things is kind of nice," he replied.

"I know and it gives you some extra money in times you need it," I said.

"I am going to just sell with you the things I need to get rid of," he replied.

"That sounds like fun," I said.

We spent the rest of the day going through the things I owned. We priced things and made donation bins most of the stuff I owned was collected over the period of time I have had this house. I had collecting tendencies which needed help but I got out of them recently. 

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