Chapter 32

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- Next Morning  November 21st- 


Today was my birthday and I had not much planned out. I woke up to Eric not being next to me so the room was quiet as the sun came through the window.

"Mmm," I mumbled.

Eric walked into the room with a muffin with a candle lit in it. He sang me Happy Birthday and handed me the muffin.

"Happy Birthday my love," Eric said kissing my cheek.

"Thank you, baby," I said while blowing out the candle.

"I hope this tastes good," he said while sitting on the bed next to me.

"I already know it will since it was made with love," I said with a smile.

We ate the muffins and drank some coffee.

"What do you want to do today?" he asked looking at me.

"I have no idea to be honest. With life being crazy just enjoying the day together seems like it would be the best thing," I said.

"Happy Birthday," Matthew said as he walked in the room.

"Thank you bro," I said looking over at him.

"What are you guys wanting to do today?" Matthew asked.

"I have no idea," I said.

"That is the furthest I have got with her," Eric commented with a chuckle.

"I feel like we could go to see The Great Laxey Wheel," Matthew said.

"I think that would be fun. It is not too much of an activity but it will keep us busy," I said.

"I just want you to do something fun for your birthday," Matthew said.

"I know but sometimes it becomes a little bit much," I said.

"It can become that way and I can see where you could see it," Eric said but pulling me close to him.

"Get ready you two and let's go have some fun. I will even take you shopping," Matthew said.

"I do not need to go shopping. I am trying to be minimum right now," I said with a chuckle.

"I think it is kind of interesting how now you can control yourself," Matthew said.

"I am trying to be a minimal person," I said.

"You are doing good my love," Eric said kissing my head.

"Okay, stop being all cute and get ready," Matthew said as he walked out of the room.

We looked at one another and chuckled.

"You're cute," he said pecking my lips and getting off the bed.

"Mmm, you are too," I said getting up.

I made up the bed and Eric vanished into the bathroom.

I got ready in the bedroom and he came back after he got changed.

"You smell good," I commented.

"I would hope so," he replied.

"Well, you do," I said as I went to turn on my curling iron.

"Ooo, curly hair today?" he asked.

"I thought I would be a bit fancy," I said.

"Sounds cute to me," he replied as he went back to the bathroom and did his hair in there.

I finished getting ready.

"You ready?" Eric asked looking at me.

"Yes," I replied with a smile.

"Come on then," Eric said as he put his hand out for me.

I put my hand in his hand and we went into the living room.

"You guys took long enough," Matthew commented.

"We did not take a lot of time we did it in pretty good time," I said.

"I think you guys took forever," Matthew said teasing.

"What do you think about we head out now?" Eric asked.

"Works for me," Matthew said.

We headed out to the car and off to our little adventure for our day.

"I think this is going to be so much fun," Matthew said.

"It is going to be a lot of fun," I said as I looked out the window.

Matthew drove and I sat in the front. Eric wanted to sit in the back.

"Life is interesting in how fast time goes on," I said.

"It is kind of insane how next month is Christmas," Matthew said.

"I am excited for Christmas," Eric said.

"Aww, how come?" Matthew asked.

"It is the best holiday there is," Eric said.

"I think so too. It is one of my favorite holidays," I said.

"My favorite holiday is Valentine's Day," Matthew said.

"How come?" Eric asked.

"I don't know but the idea of planning something out for someone has always been something I have loved," Matthew said.

"Have you ever done something for someone during the holiday?" Eric asked.

"No, not yet but this is going to be the first time I have in a long time," Matthew said.

"I am glad you found yourself a nice girl," Eric replied.

"I am glad he did too," I said.

"I feel like it is fun to have someone to love in your life," Matthew said.

"Having someone to love in life is the best kind of happiness," Eric said with a smile.

"You are Y/N are truly the best definition of love," Matthew said.

"I think we are soulmates honestly," Eric said.

"There is no denying you two are soulmates," Matthew commented.

"We are here," Matthew said while parking the car.

We all got out of the car and headed to visit the little area.

"This is kind of interesting. I am not too sure the history behind it but maybe there is a paper about it?" I commented.

We got the paper that went along with it. We got one to read and we read over the history of the place.

"I have a place for us to have dinner at tonight," Eric said looking at me.

"Ooo sounds like a plan," I said with a smile.

"Am I invited? I am kidding I know I am not going to be coming," Matthew commented.

"You could come if you wanted to but," Eric said.

"I am good I have a couple of things to do in the house," Matthew commented.

"Oh, alright sounds interesting," I said.

We walked around the area for a couple of minutes. We explored some of the things this place had to offer.

"This is so cool to be honest. I did not know there was so much history," I said.

"History is a lot of fun," Eric said.

"Sharing a passion for history is so cute," Matthew said.

"We always have a passion for history," I said.

"How did you guys get into history?" Matthew asked.

"Just reading history related things. I think it is kind of interesting to learn about those kind of things," I said.

"I got a history brain when I was in school," Eric said.

Keep On Dancing (Eric Faulkner Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora