Chapter 29

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- November 2nd -


We were standing in the airport waiting to board the plane. It was 9 in the morning which meant we would be into town around 11 depending on flights and if delays would happen.

"I hate having to say goodbye," Eric said looking at me.

"I know me too," I said.

"But this is one of the last times it is going to be goodbye," he replied with a smile.

"I know. I am just going to miss you the next few weeks," I said.

"We will be together again before you know it," Eric said kissing my head.

"I can't wait until we just say good night and not goodbye," I said.

"Me too," Eric said.

I hugged him tightly and gave him a kiss.

"Mmm, I am going to miss your kisses," he replied.

"Me too," I said.

"Let's think of it this way. We will be together here and we will have our own house by the time you get back," he said.

"That is true and soon enough the studio will be here in town," I said.

"Everything is going to fall right into place which means life will be perfect for us," he replied.

I smiled thinking about it.

"I know we aren't far but it just sucks sometimes," I said.

"I know my love," he said.

They announced our boarding numbers and I looked at the gate.

"I guess you have to go now," Eric said.

He looked like a cute little sad puppy.

"Don't give me the puppy dog eyes," I said.

"I can't help it," he replied.

"We have to go now," Matthew said.

"I know," I said.

"I love you so much," Eric said giving me another kiss.

"I love you too baby," I said.

"See you soon and call me when you get home, ok?" Eric commented.

"I will," I said as I kissed his cheek and boarded the plane with Matthew.

"She will be back soon," Derek said.

"I know it's just hard because we have spent so much time together recently," Eric said.

"I get it man and it is normal to feel that way," Derek said.

"Sometimes it is weird being in a long distance relationship," Eric said.

"You guys have done so good for the going on 7 months together," Derek said.

"I know and it is nice being able to see each other so often. Soon it will not have to be goodbye but just good night," Eric said.

"I think it is cute the way that statement is made," Derek said.

"Yeah," Eric said.

"Let's go home," Derek said.

Meanwhile me and Matthew were on the plane.

"How is it going with your girl Ava?" I asked looking at Matthew.

"Good she is the sweetest girl I have ever met," Matthew said.

"That is good and I am so happy to see you so happy with how she is making you," I said.

"Yeah, and we have a lot of things we have done and planned out," he replied.

"I am happy you found someone to be there for you," I said.

"Without you I do not think it could have been possible for me to be this happy," he replied.

"I am glad I could be of help in some sort of way," I said.

"You always are and being my music partner is the best possible thing," he replied.

"I am kind of excited to get work back in order. It is cool they are going to be having the building moved in the next 2 or so days," I said.

"Yeah, I am surprised someone was willing to do it for us. Sometimes it is kind of hard to get people to do those kind of things," he replied.

"I know and it is going to work out so well. I forgot how nice the views were in town," I said.

"Same. We had been there a few times but I never noticed how nice some of the fields and castles were," he replied.

"People seem so much more involved in life there too which helps a lot too," I said.

"Oh, of course," he replied.

Some time would pass and we would both head home.

"Man it is so quiet in here," I said to myself as I walked in the door.

The room kind of echoed as I looked around. I always hated the way houses smelt when they had been locked up for so long. I sprayed some air freshener although my house was always clean it could never hurt.

I went into my room and got everything settled and called Eric soon after to let him know I was home safe.

"Hey," Eric's voice rang over the phone.

"Hi my love, I am home safe and sound," I said.

"I am glad to hear that. I miss you so much already," he replied.

"I miss you too," I said.

"How was the flight?" he asked.

"It was good and not too bad," I said.

"That is good," he replied.

"Yeah, I am going to try and start packing and figure out what I will be doing with the house," I said.

"Okay, be careful with the things you do," he replied.

"I will baby," I said.

"I love you darling," he replied.

"I love you too," I said.

"Talk to you soon," he replied.

"Of course," I said.

Our phone call ended and I looked around the bedroom. I began to situate out some stuff and then headed into my basement.

I decided to start situating out some stuff I would sell and stuff relating to that. I was changing my whole life in such a short time period it seemed crazy but I was so ready for this new chapter of my life. I had been stuck in the same cycle for so long it was finally time to get out of it.

I know being an hour apart from someone might seem like it is not a big deal but when you work all week and have no time. It is a big deal you don't get to see each other often. Going home to seeing one another is the kind of love those kind of relationships need. Who knows moving out there might change my whole view on my career. I could discover a new talent or maybe I would move into another path in the music industry.

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