Chapter 11

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- A few weeks when Bay City Rollers are done with the tour. It was now May - 


I've been back at work for a while. Today was a long day but now I am home and making some dinner. It was just me this evening. 

"I really should get a dog or something," I said to myself while making some pasta.

The silence was so quiet. I turned on a record so it would not be so quiet.

I sat down to eat once my dinner was finished. I was enjoying my meal and listening to the record play when there was a knock on the door.

"Who could that be?" I asked out loud to myself while walking over to open the door.

I opened the door and it was Eric.

"Miss me?" Eric asked while looking at me.

"More than anything," I said while hugging him right away.

He held me tight and we moved inside the house. We brought his bags in as well.

"What made you come here?" I asked while closing the door.

"I had to see you. I was kind of going crazy," Eric replied. 

"Life getting to you?" I asked.

"Yeah, real bad," He replied.

"I am sorry life is crazy," I said.

"It's okay. I am with you now so life is perfect. How have you been?" Eric asked.

"Busy with work or like now I was eating some dinner," I said. 

"What were you having?" He asked.

"Just a pasta dish I was in no mood to really cook," I commented.

"I feel that," Eric commented.

"I can't believe you're actually here," I said while the smile on my face did not fade.

"You better believe it. And I am going to be here for a while," He replied.

"I am glad," I said.

"Oh, is it okay if I stay with you?" Eric asked.

"Of course, it is okay with me" I replied. 

Eric smiled as he walked into the kitchen with me. 

"Would you like some? I have some extra made," I commented.

"Sure, sounds good," Eric said as he sat down in the kitchen.

I got him a bowl of pasta and some tea. I sat back down and we enjoyed a meal together.

"What time is it?" Eric asked.

"Uh, let me check," I said while checking the time. 

"It is 6 pm," I said while washing the dishes once we was done.

"Not too bad, we still have the evening to enjoy," Eric commented.

"True," I said.

"Do you have work tomorrow?" He asked.

"I do not have work tomorrow which is kind of nice to think about," I said.

"Mmm, good then we can spend more time together," Eric replied.

"I like the sound of that," I said while walking into the living room once done with the dishes.

Eric followed me.

"I have a guest room so it will be perfect. It has a bathroom and everything," I said while grabbing his bags.

"Perfect," Eric commented.

We headed to the guest room and we got it all situated with him.

"I do want to cuddle with you though," Eric said.

"That is possible," I replied while we walked into my room.

"Actually, I think I am going to go back and get comfortable and meet you in here," Eric said.

"Sounds good then. I will do the same," I said with a smile.

We parted ways and both got comfortable. He came back into the bedroom while I was unmaking the bed.

"Boo," Eric said appearing behind me wrapping his arms around me.

"Hi you," I said with a smile.

"Hi, I missed you," He said leaning his head on my shoulder.

"I missed you too," I said.

"I never imagined my life being like this," He said.

I turned to look at him.

"Me neither," I said.

"It's better than I could have thought," Eric said.

I smiled and we sat down on the bed next to each other. I turned on the tv.

"Can I?" Eric asked but opening his arms.

I laid in his arms and covered us with the blankets. He wrapped his arms around me and it felt so comfortable.

"Thank you," He said while kissing my forehead.

"No, thank you," I said while cuddling him.

"What do you want to watch?" He asked.

"Anything is good with me," I said while looking through the channels.

"This looks good," Eric said after a couple of shows were on. 

We decided on a show to watch. By this time it was like 8 pm. 

"It feels so early to be in bed," Eric said with a chuckle.

"It kind of does but it feels nice being able to relax," I said looking at the tv.

"I agree," He replied but he laid his head against mine.

It is weird because you can feel when someone is comfortable with you. This was that and I could not be more grateful to be laying here with him. 

"I can feel how comfortable you are with me and that makes me happy," Eric said.

"Same goes for you," I said.

"I always thought new was scary but with you nothing is scary," Eric commented.

"I know and I adore it," I said.

"Do you ever sit back and wonder about life?" He asked.

"All the time. I always what could be or what would be sometimes," I said.

"Me too. I feel like life is one of those crazy things where we can't predict," Eric commented.

"That is true but this was the best unpredictable thing that could have happened to me," I said.

"Me too," He said while he began to play with my hair.

I closed my eyes and listened to the tv and just thought about how good life is right now.

"I got so lucky with you," He said.

"I got even luckier with you," I said.

I flipped over and laid my head on his chest wrapping my arms around him.

"Are you going to sleep?" He asked.

"Mhm, I am tired," I said.

"I'm tired too," He replied while closing his eyes.

The tv stayed on so all I heard was the voices coming from the tv. It was so quiet and comfortable in the room. The most comfortable it had been in forever it seemed. Life was quiet and simple.

We eventually both fell asleep and slept through the night. 

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