Chapter 16

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- Skips to September 1975 - 


Eric was back in Edinburgh and I and Matthew had been planning on opening new locations for our workplace. We also wanted to turn our recording studio on wheels by making it a mobile recording studio. 

"Do you think this would even work out? Or do you think we should pick a place and just move," Matthew asked.

"I think we could hire people to cover certain studios. I mean what could it hurt?" I asked.

"Well, then we would have to pay them. We could do this have many studios or we could move this studio to Edinburgh," Matthew said.

"I like how you are thinking about all of the factors for us," I said.

"I just want you to be fully happy. I mean you and Eric have been together for 5 months now but it seems so much longer," Matthew said.

"I know. When it came to us things went so quickly which is kind of insane to me," I said.

"Like you said a while ago time does what it will with its people," He replied. 

"Have you ever found someone you have your eyes on yet?" I asked.

"I don't know but maybe if we move then I could find someone who seems to be meant for me," Matthew replied.

"Do you think Edinburgh would be the place for us?" I asked.

"Yes, I think it could be good. Plus Eric would not have to move out here for you," Matthew said.

"You have a point. It would be easier for me to move there," I said.

"And you would not have to have the other guys move. So, if we want to spend some time in Edinburgh we could go soon?" He asked.

"I think that would be good. Our work is kind of travelable," I said.

"That is the nice thing about our job. We can work wherever whenever we want," He said.

"I think that is cool," I said.

"I kind of want to make a travel studio. So many more people could come to us you know," He replied. 

"I think going to Edinburgh for October would be good since Eric's birthday is next month," I said.

"What day is his birthday in October?" He asked.

"October 21st is his birthday," I said.

"Oh kind of funny how your birthday is one month right after his. November 21st," Matthew said.

"I think it is kind of cool and it makes it easy to remember. I think surprising him the first week of October would be a lot of fun," I said.

"Stay the month of October then figure out if we would like to move there?" He asked.

"I think it could be something we can think about. I mean if life is telling us this is what we are supposed to do then let's do it," I said.

"Life is changing for us quickly," He replied.

"I think life gives us these sorts of things for us to make sense of them," I said.

"How often do you talk to Eric anyways?" He asked.

"Right now we have been talking every night. He has been busy," I said.

"And you have been busy too so it is kind of interesting huh?" He asked.

"Yeah, and I do wish I could talk to him more often but our schedules just do not align," I said.

"I am proud of you for being in a long distance relationship," He replied.

"It is not easy but it is worth it," I said.

"I know. Long distance is hard for so many people and I could not imagine what goes through both of your minds," He said.

"A lot of things go through your mind when you are in that kind of situation," I said.

"What is it like not seeing each other each day?" He asked.

"Hard. You know when you are with someone for a few weeks and then you are apart it is kind of hard," I said.

"Not waking up to each other's faces?" He asked.

"It makes it quiet in the room," I said.

"Kind of like how quiet it is for me waking up but the thing is I am used to it," Matthew replied.

"Kind of yeah. I do not like the idea of waking up to a room being so empty," I said.

"Someone being in the room with you makes it feel more safe, huh?" He asked.

I nodded.

"I think it is kind of nice waking up to someone," I said.

"Is it comfortable to hear someone breathing beside you?" Matthew asked.

"These questions are getting even more weird as you keep asking," I said with a chuckle.

"Well I am kind of interested in how it is to be in a relationship. I have not been in one in like 2 years so likeee," Matthew commented.

"It is just nice to be able to have someone you can turn to that you love," I said.

"Aww, you love him?" He asked.

"Yes, I love him okay," I said.

"In the last 5 months have you guys said it to one another?" He asked.

"Not yet but I want to I just don't know when would be a good time," I said.

"Well make sure it is in person so maybe when we go in October to go see them," He said.

"It has been quite a bit of time since we have seen the rest of them," I said.

"That is true now I think of it," He replied.

"Yeah, I mean the same amount of time since Eric but you know they weren't here for long," I said.

"They are some cool guys to hang out with," Matthew replied.

"Yeah, they are a lot of fun. They have been busy with the music they have been putting out so like," I said.

"I think it is cool how they always have something to do. The music industry is crazy in front and behind the things we see from it," He replied.

"Of course, we see a lot of the behind the scenes," I said.

"If we did not see so much behind the scenes I would not be able to tell you much about it," He replied.

"Well, what should we do for the rest of the day?" I asked.

"Well get out of the studio for sure," He said while getting out of the chair.

I stood up alongside him and we headed out of the studio once we got our things. 

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