Chapter 65

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- May 18th 1976 - 


It was our first official day here in Paris. We had a lot of plans to see things here and we were both so excited. It was nice to be on a little getaway that had no timeline or deadlines.

"Isn't it nice to be able to do things on our time and not be tied to a schedule?" Eric asked as he looked at me.

"Yeah, it is kind of nice not having to worry about something every 2 seconds," I said with a chuckle.

Eric was finishing up his hair and I was finishing my makeup.

"What do we want to do first?" he asked.

"Well I would have to say breakfast for sure," I said with a chuckle.

"I saw the Musée Rodin on one of the papers. I think it could be worth checking out," he said.

"Ooo, that does like a fancy place to see," I said.

"It's an art museum I read it has been open since like 1919. I think it is so cool to be able to explore places so many people have walked the grounds of," he replied.

"I think the same," I replied with a smile.

We both finished getting ready and headed to get some breakfast in the lobby. They had so many options to pick from.

"Ooo, they have coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. I have never see hot chocolate at a breakfast place before," Eric commented.

"Me neither I think that is cool," I said.

They had bread, butter, croissants, etc. We both chose out what we wanted to enjoy and sat down to eat.

Soon enough we finished our food and threw our trash away.

"I like how detailed this hotel is," I said as I looked at the walls.

"Me too. You don't see hotels this fancy but then again maybe it is because it is Paris," he said with a chuckle.

"It truly could be," I said.

We went back to the hotel room and grabbed our things and headed out to catch a ride to the museum.

"I am excited to check out this museum. I do hope it is as cool as they say it is," he commented.

"I am sure it is," I said with a smile.

We got out of the car and walked up to the building. We headed on inside and began to explore the walls filled with history.

"The artwork here is so phenomenal," Eric said.

We held hands as we walked around looking at all of the pieces.

"It is truly amazing what the human hands can do with raw material," I said.

"And some of these pieces have been here for countless years. I can only imagine what other people thought as they walked around this place," he said.

"Me too. The ideas are kind of endless on what those people could have thought or even the ones who made the works," I said.

"You have a good point," he replied.

We continued to explore the museum until we finished seeing everything. By this time a couple of hours had gone by.

"I saw a cool park not too far from here maybe we could find something to eat and eat in the park?" I asked as we walked out of the museum.

"I think that sounds like a lovely idea. Plus the sun is so bright out here right now," Eric said as he put on his sunglasses.

I did the same.

"When we went in there it was kind of cloudy so this is kind of surprising," I said.

"True," Eric said as he looked around.

We crossed the street and walked a bit of the way until we found a place that had some foods. We picked up some food and headed to the park.

"I think this is one of those things that come out of a book. Enjoying lunch in a park in the middle of Paris," Eric said.

We got settled at a table with our food.

"You are right, this is kind of out of a movie," I said.

"What is next on our list?" Eric asked.

We began to eat our lunch and look at the things around.

"There is a couple of shops that way," I said as I pointed.

"We should check them out. I kind of want to make sure we get some things for us to bring back to the guys," Eric said.

"Good idea. I think it is going to be fun to see the kinds of things they have in the shops," I said.

"I am thinking this is when I should have picked up on the language. The only people who speak English are the people like us," Eric said with a chuckle.

"True, but we are making do with the little bits we do know," I said.

"You would think I would be better at the language thing then I am," he replied.

"It's okay not everyone is fluent in another language besides their own," I said.

"Good point," he replied.

We finished up our lunch and found a trash to dispose of our wrappers in.

"Lunch was so good," I said as I snapped a picture of him.

"Ah you with that camera," he said.

"I have my ways," I said with a giggle.

"I hope I did not blink in it," he said.

"We will find out," I said.

"Off to the shops?" he asked but holding out his hand.

I put my hand in his hand and smiled.

"Yes, off to the shops we shall go," I said.

"Perfect and then we go back to the hotel and plan out some other things to do. I know tonight is the Eifel Tower, right?" he asked.

"Yes, and I am so excited to be able to see it lit up at night," I said.

"I can't believe this is real life. Exploring Paris with you," he said.

We walked to the shops and headed on inside.

"This is real life but it does kind of feel like a really good dream. Doesn't it?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I am going to take in every bit of it that I can," he replied.

"Me too," I said.

We browsed around the shop collecting some items to purchase.

"I did not realize how beautiful French jewelry was," I said as I looked at a couple of pieces.

"Pick out something my love," Eric said as he looked at me.

"Only if you do as well," I said.

"Deal," he replied with a smile.

We both found something he got a bracelet and I got a pair of earrings.

"I think the boys are going to love these things," Eric said.

"Me too, I think they are unique as well," I said.

We looked around a bit more before checking out. After we checked a few more shops and headed back to the hotel. 

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