Chapter 19

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- The Day Continued - 


We had just finished exploring downtown. It was a lot of fun and there were some older places there where we picked up a couple of things. 

"I think this chocolate is going to taste good," I said as we sat in the car.

"It looks good hurry up and open it," Eric said looking at me.

I opened up the chocolate and broke it in half for us to both have half of it.

"We try it on the count of three," I said.

"One, two, three," He counted down.

We tried and we were both pleasantly surprised. 

"Man, this is actually so good," I said.

"I agree," Eric replied.

"It is kind of thick though the chocolate that is," I said with a chuckle.

"Wait is there caramel in the middle of it?" He asked.

"I honestly think it might be. I am kind of glad we got a few of these ones," I said.

"Me too. Okay, next one," He said while opening up a bag of candy.

"I think this is like cherry gummies or something," I said.

"I think that is what it is," He said and we both pulled one out.

We tried them.

"They kind of taste good but then the after taste is kind of meh," I said with a chuckle.

"Mmmm, I kind of agree. I think one of the boys might like these though," Eric said.

"Well then we will give them to them," I said.

I kept taking random images of us.

"You like taking photos a lot of the time," He said.

"I do that is true," I said while opening the cookies we had gotten.

"These better be good or else," He said with a chuckle.

"I mean they are chocolate cookies with strawberry filling so anything is possible," I said.

He opened up the cookie package and we both tried one.

"I mean I suppose it could be worse. These do not taste too fake," He said.

"The cookie part is the best part of it," I said.

"You have got that correct," He replied.

"Well now that we have tried some sweets. Where to next?" I asked.

"I think we should go get some real food. This is not real food," He said with a chuckle.

"True," I said.

"The restaurant is one cute little one. It's not too popular but I heard there was some good options," He said.

"Sounds cute to me. Do I have anything in my teeth?" I asked looking at him.

"No, you are fine," He said with a chuckle.

"What is so funny?" I asked raising a brow.

"The face you made was cute," He said.

"I highly doubt that was cute," I said.

"Mmmkay then," He said.

We buckled up and headed to the place we would be eating at.

"I do not think this place will be too busy. I never see too many cars here but it is surely underrated," He said.

"I like a calm and quiet place," I said.

"Me too," He replied.

I looked out the window as we drove. He put his hand on mine and I held his hand.

"You're adorable," I said.

"Oh shush," He said while continuing to drive to our destination.

"I will never be quiet," I said.

"Fine by me," He replied but parking as we arrived at our destination. 

"This place looks nice," I said.

"I told youu," He said turning off the car and getting out then opening my door.

"You know you do not always have to open the door for me," I said looking at him.

"Mmm, yes I do," He replied.

I got out of the car and kissed his cheek.

"See I wanted that," He added.

"Then here have this too," I said kissing his lips.

He returned the kiss.

"Thank you," He said with a chuckle.

I smiled and we locked the car and held hands as we entered the building.

"I wonder what kind of food they have here," I said.

"A lot of things for you to pick from so make sure you get what you actually want. I am paying," He said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Of course I am sure," He replied with a smile.

We took our seats and we began to look over the menu. We ordered our drinks.

We decided on what each of us wanted. The food on the menu all looked so good.

"I am excited for the food to be brought over," He said.

"Me too. Everything on the menu looks so good," I said.

"This place also has some of the best service I heard," Eric commented.

"I can tell by the looks of it. There is for sure a lot of people on staff," I said.

"I think that might be why the service is always said to be so quick," He said.

"You have a good point," I commented.

"Has anything been on your mind lately?" He asked looking at me.

"I mean yeah a lot of things have been crossing my mind," I said.

"And what could be some of those things be?" He asked.

"Trying to figure out life as it should be. I think it is true I want to move here even if I have only been here a short time," I said.

"Are you remembering what it has been like to be here before?" He asked.

"Well that and knowing if I move here I will be closer to you," I said.

"Yeah, being apart from one another is kind of real hard. But we have made it work so well," He replied.

"I am still so grateful for the first day we met," I said. 

"Me too," He replied.

"What has been on your mind recently?" I asked.

"You," He replied.

"Me?" I asked.

"Yes, you are the one who is on my mind since you got here. I think it would be so cool for you to be here with me all of the time," He replied.

I smiled and looked at the table.

"I would love to be here with you all of the time," I said.

"I just think that it is crazy you want to rearrange your life for me and for us," He replied.

"I would do anything for us to work," I said.

"I think you are so sweet," He replied looking at me.

"You are too," I said with a smile. 

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