Chapter 66

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- May 20th 1976 - 


Another day in Paris as if we were living in a dream. I think it is going to be a lot of fun today though because we are going on a food tasting tour. We have talked about this a few times and we now are going to be doing it.

"I am so excited to try all of the new kinds of foods," Eric said.

"Me too, it sounds like it is going to be so much fun," I said.

"I think French food is a lot more fancy than a lot of other places. But we know the foods we know so this is going to be fun," Eric said.

We got our things and headed out of the hotel.

"I wonder what kind of foods they are going to have on this food tour," I said.

"I have no idea but I have a good feeling it is going to be a mix of sweet and savory foods," Eric said.

We got out of the car and headed to join the rest of the group. This was going to be a small group food tour.

"I wonder if they are going to have drinks for us to try as well?" I asked.

"I would like to think so," he replied with a smile.

We got checked in with our small group there was a total of 6 of us. We were all couples so 3 couples.

"This is called Duck Pâté en Croûte is our first food to try," the host spoke.

"Is it actually made of duck?" I asked.

"Yes," our host replied.

We all tried it and me and Eric were not too much of a fan.

"It is decent food but the texture is not too much of what I am looking for," Eric commented.

"I agree," I said.

"Gougères is our next food. This one is a little bit less out of the box but it is going to be a nice food to follow up our last food," our host commented.

She then went on to give us the background to where this and the last foods came from.

We all tried it.

"This one is quite good. The texture is not too weird so it does not turn me off to it," I said.

"I feel like texture has a lot to do with how good a food is," Eric said.

"I think so too," he replied.

We discussed the food and moved along onto our next item. This was going to be a drink.

"Our first drink is going to be Kirsch. Is everyone able to drink here?" our host asked.

We all replied yes and we were served our drinks. 

"This smells so good," I said.

"It does," Eric said.

We all tried the drinks and this one was actually super good.

"This one tastes like an actual fresh cherry. I think we should drink this more often when we leave here," I said.

"I think so too even though we are not much of drinkers," Eric replied.

We continued on with our food tour. It went on for a couple of hours and then we eventually parted ways with our group.

"That was so much fun. I am kind of full now even though it was not too much food," Eric said with a chuckle.

"Me too. I think it is kind of nice how we were able to try all of those foods," I said with a smile.

"I think we should do this in town just to see the kinds of foods we could get and try," Eric said.

"That would be quite fun," I said.

"What do we want to do next?" Eric asked.

"I have no idea. We could explore some of the streets?" I asked.

"I think that could be fun. I think there could be spots for us to go into and do a bit of shopping," Eric said.

"I am glad the drinks did not hit us," I said.

"Well the amount we took in was not enough to make us close to being drunk anyways," Eric replied.

"I know but it is kind of interesting to learn the tolerance we have," I said.

"I know it is quite interesting," he replied.

We began to walk down the street. This was a street full of shops and clothing places some included small boutiques. 

"We should go into this one. I think it sells body products," I said as I pointed.

"Let's go on inside. Do you think they have like body washes or lotions?" Eric asked.

"I am going to assume so," I said.

We walked inside and looked around. We got a couple of things and purchased them before walking out.

"I think it is cool to be able to explore some of these places," Eric said.

"I feel like that is kind of the whole point of going to new places. We get to see places and take pictures to keep those memories for a long time," I said.

"Did you get a lot of photos?" Eric asked.

"Yes," I said with a smile.

"Of course you did," Eric said but stopping me from walking.

I looked at him.

"What?" I asked.

"This," Eric said but kissing me.

I returned the kiss and smiled.

"I like when you surprise kiss me like that," I said with a giggle.

He kissed me again and smiled.

"How was that?" Eric asked as he looked back at me.

"I adore those kisses," I said with a smile.

"Mmm, good," he replied.

"Where do we want to go to next?" I asked.

"I feel like that is going to be the question we are asking each other this whole time. I kind of want to check out this music store here. If I find a guitar I can always ship it to the house," Eric said.

"Sounds like a plan let's go on inside," I said with a smile.

We headed into the music store and we looked around. Eric found a guitar he fell in love with and he ended up shipping it out to the house like he said he would.

"I am so excited to be able to use this guitar when we get home. I am not too sure how long it will take to arrive but they said a little under two weeks," Eric said as he walked back over to me.

"That sounds like a lot of fun my love," I said with a smile.

"I love how supportive you are of the things I do," he said as he smiled at me.

"You are the one I am always going to support no matter what happens in this life," I said.

"Even through hell and back?" he asked.

"Yes, even through hell and back," I said.

"Same goes for you," he replied.

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