Chapter 63

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- May 1st 1976 - 


May was officially here now and it felt good that summer would be right around the corner. The warmer months there was always so much to do outside.

"I like how Saturdays are always a day we use for our benefit," Eric said as he washed the breakfast dishes.

"I know it makes me happy. Some people have Sundays as the reset days but when we can it is kind of nice to do it on a Saturday," I said.

"You know what we should do?" Eric asked as he dried his hands.

"I don't know. What should we do?" I asked as I looked at him.

"We should plan a little trip just you and me. We should go some place nice," Eric said.

"Aww, that would be so much fun," I said.

"It would kind of be like when we would fly out to see one another but this time it be some place we can spend some time together. Exploring a new place," Eric said.

"How far out of town are we talking?" I asked.

"Well I was kind of thinking France," Eric said.

"Ooo that would be fun," I said.

"Would we want to drive?" Eric asked.

"How long would it take for us to drive out there?" I asked.

"I think the drive time is like 12 hours or something plus pit stops. I would say close to 15 hours," Eric said.

"Well we could make it like a 2 or 3 day," I said.

"Or maybe a 5 hour flight would be better on us," Eric said with a chuckle.

"I think that would be the better option. It would be less hectic on us trying to stay awake on such a long drive," I said.

"Good idea. When do we want to plan this for?" Eric asked.

"I have no clue if I am being honest," I said.

"We could plan it for like 2 weeks," Eric said.

"That could be fun and if we are gone for a week or two it would not be too bad," I said.

"I know we have a tour we have got to plan for soon but it is not going to be for a bit of time," Eric said.

"I think it is kind of cool how tours work and are planned out," I said.

"Same it is kind of one the best parts about this job. Getting to go out and see places," he replied.

"True," I said.

"And if we go before the end of the month we will be back before Alan's birthday in June. I would not want to be out of town for it," Eric said.

"I know. I love planning out birthdays they are always so much fun," I said.

"Hey guys," Woody said as he walked in the door.

"We need to start locking the door," I said.

"Hey what is that statement for? It is just me," Woody commented.

"It is nothing man. How are you?" Eric asked.

"Good. What are we chatting about?" Woody asked.

"Me and Y/N are going to be planning a trip to go see France," Eric said.

"Ooo, sounds like a cute little romantic trip for you guys," Woody said.

"Yeah, we are pretty excited about it," Eric said.

"I am glad you guys are able to do all of the cute things. I need to find myself a girl but at the same time I am like nah I am okay," Woody said with a chuckle.

"The right girl will find you I promise you," Eric said.

"I am sure of it that is why I am not rushing or pushing anything," Woody said.

"Yeah," Eric replied.

"So what are you guys planning on doing today?" Woody asked.

"Maybe some house cleaning since now the house is officially furnished and done," Eric said.

"I think it is cool how much effort we put into this house. I also love the outcome of it," I said with a smile.

"Me too. This house turned out to be so beautiful and the home I always have wanted," Eric said.

"You guys did a wonderful job with it," Woody said.

"Thanks man," Eric said with a smile.

"What are you up to today?" I asked.

"Just going from house to house and bugging you guys one by one," Woody said.

"That always sounds like a fun thing to be doing," I said.

"Well of course," Woody replied.

"What gave you the idea of doing that?" Eric asked as he sat on the counter.

"I think the level of bored I am right now," Woody said.

"Who's houses have you been to so far?" I asked.

"You guys were my first stop," Woody replied.

"Oh, I feel special then," Eric said.

"You know what I think is cute?" Woody asked.

"What do you think is cute?" Eric asked.

"How you keep up with buying Y/N flowers," Woody said.

"It is my way of telling her I love her so of course I am going to be keeping up with it. Meanwhile my favorite thing is she does the same for me," Eric said.

"So are these yours?" Woody asked pointing at one of the vases.

"Yeah, she got me those ones," Eric said with a smile.

"Aww, I like how you do that for one another," Woody said.

"Flower giving is one of our love languages," Eric said.

"Isn't it nice to be able to have similar love languages or share them?" Woody asked.

"Yeah, it makes life real special," I said with a smile.

"Ugh, I better get out of here before I get love fever," Woody said with a chuckle.

"Okay, bye then," Eric replied.

"Bye Woody," I said.

"Bye guys," Woody said as he left the house.

"Onto cleaning?" Eric asked as he looked at me.

"Yes," I said as I gave him a kiss and walked into the living room.

He got off of the counter and followed me.

"I like how we are able to keep up with the house even when we are busy," Eric said.

"Of course. I feel like one of the things that would make me the most nervous is a messy house," I said.

"A messy home," Eric said.

We picked up the living room and did some dusting and vacuuming throughout the house. We tackled any cleaning task we needed to do.

"I feel like teamwork is such an important part in this part of our lives," I said.

"Always together," Eric replied with a smile.

I smiled back.

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