Chapter 54

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- Time Skip: February 12th 1976 -


Today was a typical busy Thursday. Life had gotten interesting since Alan left the group. However, Ian has become the newest addition to Bay City Rollers. He is only 17 but you know he is going to be a big star.

"I think it is so cool how Ian has joined the group," I said.

We were in the studio with Bay City Rollers and Matthew.

"It is nice being in the group. I do feel quite young but it is okay," Ian said with a chuckle.

"I think it is cool you are Irish too. You are going to be one good addition to the group," Matthew said.

"Oh for sure. He has so much to offer and I am so glad we found him for the group," Eric said.

"I think it is going to be cool being in this group for sure. I feel like I do kind of bring a youth feeling to it maybe?" Ian commented.

"Yes, and honestly it is going to be cool to be here in the studio with you," Les said.

"We are also in the midst of transitioning into Matthew and Y/N being our new managers. We are going to have like two managers so like a duo management team," Derek said.

"That sounds like it is going to be a lot of fun," Ian commented.

"It is always fun to be in the studio with them as well. Y/N has owned this studio with Matthew for a few years now," Woody commented.

"That is super cool," Ian said.

"I think it is cool how we are Scottish and bringing in an Irish man," Eric said.

"It is a unique piece to add but honestly it makes it complete," Matthew said.

"So are we going to be working on any kind of new music?" Derek asked.

"I think we should work on some songs while we is in here you know. We have the time and tools we might as well," Matthew said.

We all got situated in our seats and I passed out some water bottles.

"Is this like a fancy studio you guys run?" Ian asked.

"We just like to make our guests feel at home and comfortable being here," I said.

"They are the best. They are we went when we went to Isle of Man last year," Eric said.

"And that is where you two met?" Ian asked.

"Yes, best day of my life," Eric said with a smile.

"I think it is cool how you meet people in the most unexpected ways," Ian said.

"I know and it turns out to be one of the most amazing things in your life to happen," Woody said.

"Maybe that should be what the song we write is going to be about?" Ian asked.

"You have the idea let's put it to the paper," Eric commented.

We all began to jot down some ideas and make up some lyrics and images.

"I think this is a cool way to have a writing session," Ian said.

"After we all get ideas we put them together and formulate the song," Les said.

"I think it is cool how you guys work together so well," Ian said.

"You should say the way we work together," Les said.

"It is going to be fun working this way," Ian said.

"Most of the time Eric comes up with the guitar lines or Woody will do that part. it kind of just depends on the lyrics we have come up with," Les said.

"And since you are the lead we make sure the lyrics can be pronounced easily?" Ian asked.

"Yes, some songs have words that I have to learn how to say correctly but those are some of the most fun," Les commented.

"Oh, nice," Ian replied.

We continued to work in the studio for a bit. We would pause and work on some of the music chords on the instruments and work them into the songs.

Time went by and we reached the end of the writing session.

"This was honestly so much fun," Ian said as he got out of his chair.

"I am glad you had fun. That is the whole point of being in the studio you know," Matthew said.

"These guys are cool people which makes the writing sessions 10x better," Les said with a smile.

"And you are going to fit in like a piece of the family. That is how this place works we are one big family," Derek said.

"I like how close you guys have become and I hope to fit in the same way," Ian said.

"Oh, you will don't even worry about it," Woody said.

"You guys also have a really cool studio. The colors of the studio and the way the walls look I love it," Ian said.

"Aww, thanks. We tried to make the layout where it could be nice to be seen by the naked eye," Matthew commented.

"Also I saw you guys have vending machines and snacks?" Ian asked.

"Yeah and the best part of the vending machines are they are free," Matthew said.

"How did you even come up with that?" Ian asked.

"Just some random thoughts that came to us one day," I said.

"You guys are some of the coolest," Ian said.

"So are you kid," Matthew said.

"I heard Alan wants to meet up with us after we get out of here," Eric said.

"Oh, alright sounds like a good plan," I said.

"I think it is cool how he is on the farm raising horseys," Matthew said.

"Horseys make him feel something which is nice. He has found an outlet to make him happy," Derek said.

"Was the music not feeling a void for him?" Ian asked.

"He was looking for something to fill the part of his heart he needed to make happy again. It's not that he didn't like being in the group but he wanted to branch out on his own," Derek said.

"He is kind of older right?" Ian asked.

"Yeah, he is my older brother," Derek said.

"Aww, cute. I also like how you told us about how the group got started," Ian said.

"It honestly was so fun to be able to make this group back in the 1960s and seeing how far it has come is truly amazing," Derek said.

"It has become a whole little family of us finding our true happiness," Eric said.

"I am so glad to be apart of the family," Ian said.

"And we are so happy for you to be here with us," Les replied with a smile.

Here was to heading out to meet up with Alan and enjoying the rest of our day. 

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