Chapter 7

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- Next Day arriving in London at 5 pm - 


Our flight was kind of in the evening time. I did wish we would have had an earlier flight but the flight was short so it was not too big of a deal. What I did not imagine was the Rollers waiting for us at the airport.

We got off the plane and we were greeted by the boys at the airport.

"I did not think they would have all showed up," Matthew commented.

"I know. I did not think they would have all showed up either," I said with a chuckle.

"I think it is cute though," Matthew commented.

We got our bags and things and headed on over. 

"Hey guys!" Les commented.

"Hey guys, long time no see," Matthew said.

"I am surprised you guys actually did fly in," Alan said.

"It sounded like a nice get away from work," I said. 

"It is so nice to see your face again," Eric said but coming in front of me.

"Same for you," I said with a slight smile.

"They are like soulmates," Derek said to Matthew. 

"I know right like the way they connect is so interesting to me," Matthew said to Derek.

Eric pulled me into a hug and it felt comfortable but safe at the same time.

"What have you guys seen here so far?" Matthew asked.

"We found a couple of nice places to eat. We also have seen some cool museums," Alan said.

"Sounds like a lot of fun. You guys have a show tonight?" Matthew asked.

"Not tonight but tomorrow we do have a show," Alan replied.

"How have you been?" Eric asked but looking at me.

"I have been alright but better now," I said.

"Same here," Eric said. 

 "Are you guys hungry?" Woody asked.

"We could always go for food," I said.

"Perfect," Eric said but putting his arm around me.

"You two are getting cozy already," Les commented.

"Never hurts, does it?" Eric asked.

"Nah, let's go guys," Woody commented.

We got our bags and headed out of the airport. We got into two separate taxis. Me, Eric, Matthew, and Derek went in one. Woody, Alan, and Les went in the other. 

"What's it like in your job?" Derek asked.

"It is quite a busy one. You are always getting new people to come in so situating is always interesting," Matthew said.

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