Chapter 26

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- Eric's Birthday Continued - 


We had toured the castle and had a little food tour (we got to try a few things) as well. It was a lot of fun and Eric seemed to enjoy it a lot which was the best part. We were now all standing at the cars we had brought two cars.

"Where do you want to go next?" Alan asked.

"What time is it?" Eric asked.

"It is 1 pm," Alan said looking at his watch.

"We could go get some food if you guys are down to do so?" Eric asked.

"Today is all about what you want man," Woody said.

"What do you want to eat?" Les asked.

"We could go to that one place we saw on our way here. It kind of looked like they might have some good food," Eric said.

"Alright we will meet you guys there," Derek said.

We split up into two different cars and began to drive to the restaurant.

"Are you having a good birthday so far?" I asked looking at Eric.

"Yes, this is the best birthday I have had in a long time," Eric replied looking back at me.

Woody and Les were in the front seat and Matthew, Derek and Alan had gone together.

"Good," I said with a smile.

"Kiss?" He asked.

I softly kissed his lips as he returned the kiss.

"Thank you," He said.

"Always," I said.

Soon enough we were arriving at the restaurant. We all got out of the cars and headed inside as a group.

"I swear this town is so beautiful," Matthew commented.

"It truly is a beautiful place to be," I said.

"I am so excited for us to be moving here. I am so glad we found some nice places to move into as well," Matthew commented.

"Yeah, it is going to be a lot of fun," I said.

"I feel like we are finding new places around town every day," Alan said.

"I think so too. Maybe they have always been here and we just have not known?" Derek asked.

"Could be," Les commented.

We all got seated and ordered our drinks.

"I am so excited for dinner tonight. I mean I am excited for dinner now but you know," Eric said.

"Home cooked is always so different from eating out," Les said.

"Yes," Eric said.

"I am excited to use the grill after such a long time," Derek said.

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