chapter 12

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(( I have a strange thing over wubs ._.
If you don't know....wubs are like a bass,dubstep,ya know
*cough cough* DJ Pon3 *cough cough*
Yes,a new and a better book cover! CX
And,yes,I think that 'Bella' it's a cute nickname X3 (if you say it with the Italian accent)
Anyways,thank you for reading!
As always,stay creepy and awesome!


I woke up to face Jeff sleeping with a sleeping mask.
How did he put it on?
I remembered that he fell asleep but he didn't put his sleeping mask on?
Oh my God,is he powerful or something?
I was kind of sleepy but I still remembered.
I wrapped my arms around his neck,to see if he wakes up.
I then giggled and said "Jeff~"
He just groaned as I called him again. "Jeff~"
He then started to move as he took off his sleeping mask slowly.
I smiled as he looked at me, "Good morning,beautiful." He kissed my hand. I blushed.
"Good morning." I replied. "Hey.....Jeff?"
"Yeah?" He asked.
"W-What happened to me last night...?" I asked worriedly.
He got into a thought for several seconds as he finally responded "Like I told you,nothing important...." He kissed my forehead and rested his head on mine.
"If 'nothing important' happened,then....why was I tied on a chair?" I asked.
"I went crazy,again,didn't I?" I questioned once again.
He kissed my lips warmly.
"No, didn't....Ben just tried,....pull a prank on you...." He replied.
"A prank? What about the blood? And my cut?" I raised an eyebrow.
"He,accidentally cut you with his sword,you know how stupid Ben can be." He chuckled nervously.

Is he....lying to me?

Why would he lie to me?

I sighed "Alright,"
I hugged him as he hugged back but tighter.
"God,Sky,you don't know how much I love you." He whispered close to my ear.
I let go of him as I kissed his cheek.I stood up while I stretched "Well,I have to get ready,I will be trained today,but I don't know by who." I said.
"Of course." He also stood up and kissed my cheek while he got out of the room as I looked through my bag for a black T-Shirt,some jeans and snickers while I went to the bathroom and took a shower.
After 15 or 20 minutes I got out and put my clothes on as I got out of the bathroom while heading to my room and putting my dirty clothes in my bag.
I brushed my hair and started humming a song as I heard someone knock my door.
I placed the brush down and walked to the door while opening it.
It was Slendy.
"Good morning,Slendy." I greeted him.
"Good morning,Skyleigh." He greeted back.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
"I'm feeling okay....why?" I replied and asked.
"Oh,no reason,child.How did you sleep?" He asked once again.
"Like a baby..." I smirked.
"Pardon?" He questioned.
"Oh,um,I slept good." I chuckled nervously and scratched the back of my head.
I heard a similar voice yelling "FIRE!" I then suddenly gasped as Slendy and I followed the smell of the fire.
It was Ben's room..
"What the hell?!" Slendy roared
I saw Jeff running out of Ben's room as he almost tripped and I tried to hold him,but he was obviously really heavy.
Jeff coughed as I exclaimed "What the hell,Jeff?!"
"Aw,man,my fucking room!!!" Ben yelled
"I'm sorry,Sky." He apologized
"For what?" I raised an eyebrow.
"For the thing that I'm about to do." He said as he stood up and ran downstairs.
Slendy somehow got an extinguisher and got to extinguish the fire that came from Ben's bed.
"Jeffrey is going to be in so much trouble." Slendy groaned.
"Well,he's fucked........HE FIRED UP MY BED AND I HOPE IT DIDN'T BURNED MY VIDEO GAMES." Ben shaked his head in disappointment.
I went downstairs while I saw Sally in the living room.
"Hi,Sally,have you seen Jeff?" I asked her.
"I saw him running out of the Mansion." She shrugged.
"Okay," I sighed "Thank you." I smiled as I went outside of the mansion and called out Jeff.
"Jeff! Jeff...! fucking hell,where are you?!" I exclaimed.

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