Chapter 52

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**Hey, guys. So, I have bad news.....

I will have to cancel and discontinue this book...... Because my mom found my Wattpad account and she read this book and she didn't like it at ALL and she wants me to delete my account, including this book--

NAHHH JK. HAH. GOT YA. GOT YA GOOD. Nah seriously. The bad news is that I will not update in these past two weeks because of finals. But after finals I'll obviously write and update all the time. That's all! Enjoy the chapter of destruction!! Stay creepy and awesome~!**


I was cleaning the dishes and everybody else was making dinner. A sudden cough interrupted me from continuing cleaning. I got startled since Prefect Cassandra told us not to make a single noise. I looked back and saw Prefect Cassandra and Mrs. Ivy getting into the kitchen to figure out the sudden cough. I saw Ralf coughing as if he was choking.

"What the heck is going on?!" Prefect Cassandra yelled.

"U-um, Prefect Cassandra.... Uh.... Ralf ate a piece of bread and now he's choking!" Alicia said desperately.

"Ahhhh, so you disobeyed me, uh? Good for you!" Prefect Cassandra laughed while Ralf kept coughing, still looking out for air.

She kept laughing.

I couldn't hold it anymore. I had to do something. I just had to. I leaned closer and wrapped my arms around his stomach, pushing it with pressure so the piece of bread could come out. After many tries, the piece of bread finally came out and hit Prefect Cassandra on her face. She, then, stopped her laugh before everyone gasped, including me as my eyes widened and backed away. She grunted and furiously, got the pieces out of her face. She leaned closer to Ralf and grabbed his arm. "YOU'RE GOING TO THE ATTIC," she yelled. "No! Prefect--"

She interrupted me by grabbing my arm with too much pressure. "AND YOU. HOW DARE YOU?" She looked at me with rage. "I-"

"DON'T 'I' ME. FORGET IT," she said, "I have bigger problems to attend to!" she let go of my arm and pushed me away from her. "LET'S GO,"

"No, Prefect Cassandra! It wasn't his fault!" I exclaimed. "Oh, no. You are absolutely right! You got the bread out of his mouth. And I'm warning you, this isn't gonna stay like this. I'll see what you deserve!" she warned. She pulled Ralf out of the kitchen and took him to the attic. Mrs. Ivy followed them.

I just stood there, feeling guilty, because he didn't deserve it. But, wait. This is my chance...

They are distracted...

"Hey, guys.... I have to go to the bathroom," I lied.

"Yeah, right. You're not going anywhere, Sky. You're the one who's giving us real problems here. And we're not letting you go nowhere," warned Alicia. "I'm not doing anything. Promise." I pursed my lips. "Whatever. You better be back in less than ten minutes," she demanded. I ignored her last sentence and nodded, walking out of the kitchen sneakily and jugging quietly to Prefect Cassandra's office. I opened it slowly and got in.

"Samara," I whispered called. After some good minutes on calling Samara, she appeared behind me, leaving a cool shill down my spine. "What are you doing here? It's dangerous!" she whispered yelled. "I have no time. Where the hell is that key?" I asked. "Right there," she pointed to a book shelf that was next to me. I walked closer to it and looked around it anxiously. "I can't find it--" I stopped before I saw a black box. I smiled to myself and grabbed it.

"Wait-- Do this; take the key from the box and leave the box on its place. Just take the key and hide it through your uniform," opined Samara. I nodded at her clever opinion and did as she told me to. I opened it and grabbed the golden key as I put it between my breasts (I didn't have a better idea). I closed the box again and thanked Samara. She grinned and nodded as she faded away. I opened the door and walked out quietly and quickly. I went to our room and hid the key and the diamond heart under my bed as I got out of the room and ran to the kitchen once again, hearing the screams of poor Ralf from the attic.

"What took you so long?" Alicia sighed. "Hey, it didn't take more than ten minutes," I remarked. "It was about to!," she growled. "Calm down, Alicia. Be thankful that Prefect Cassandra didn't arrive when she was gone," said Mimi. I nodded and gave Alicia a "Am-I-right?" look. "Ugh. Whatever. Let's keep cleaning and cooking before she gets here and punishes us," protested Alicia before she grabbed the mop and started mopping the floor.


"Does everyone understand what we're doing?" I asked Ben, Jeff and Eyeless Jack. Everyone nodded. "Yeah. Go in, kill the two bitches, kill the orphans, get Sky and go," said Jeff.

"Yeah-- No-- Well. Um-- You were half right," I said, "We go in, kill the two bitches, we do NOT kill the orphans, get Sky and go,"

"So we're just gonna leave the orphans?" Eyeless Jack questioned.

I sighed. "What are we gonna do with them? We can't do anything. They're orphans. We can't just leave them there. They're kids,"

Ben snored.

"I say we kill the brats," Jeff opined.

"NO. Look, I'll think of something. I'll think of a closer Orphanage so they can put those kids in there," I stated.

"Fine," Eyeless Jack said as Jeff nodded. "Alright, I'll get going. Remember, be at my house at 12:00 am. Be sneaky. I don't want my parents to know any of this," I warned.

"Bitch please," started Ben, "We sneaky as fuck,"

"You high as fuck," I said to him. "Well, I'm gonna go now. Bye,"

I waved to everybody and got out of the mansion quick. After some four maybe three minutes on getting out of the woods, I went to my house. "I'm home!," I yelled as I opened the door. It wasn't that late. It was almost five o'clock in the afternoon. So my parents couldn't be that mad.

"Welcome home, Gretchen," yelled mom from the kitchen. I walked to the kitchen and gave mom a kiss on the cheek. "You have a visitor," she said. "Really? Who?" I tilted my head to a side. "I'm sorry. I can't remember his name. He's in the living room," she remarked. I nodded and walked up to the living room, seeing my friend, Tom, with his dark brown hair, blue eyes and a little tanned skin. He was also wearing a black hoodie and some jeans along with some vans.

He stood up from the couch and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed. "What's up?" I asked to him.

Tom was one of my best friends when I was away. But he came a few days earlier to keep me company. He didn't know about Sky being away. It was probably a coincidence but he was there, comforting me while Sky isn't there. But I told him as soon as he arrived because I really wasn't in the mood. I never told my parents she was in an Orphanage because I didn't want them to freak out or get worried. So I'm gonna handle this myself.

"Whattaya say if we go get some ice cream," he smiled at me. His soft and kind smile made me blush a little. But, a little ice cream won't hurt, right?

"I would love to, Tom,"

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