Chapter 41

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*HIIIIIIII. JEASUS. THAT FAN ART ABOVE ^^^^ IS OUR LITTLE SKY, DRAWN BY MY FRIEND @/InkZillax. Ay, I love when people draw fan art *^* But, anyways, it's finally Spring Break so I'm freeeeeee for a whole week and two days XD. Starting today cause it's Sunday ._. Well, I have nothing else to say. Thank you for reading! Enjoy this chapter!

Stay awesome and creepy~!*

It was the day of Christmas. A really happy day. A day where children were playing in the snow and with their presents. A day to be with your family in joy. Just simply a happy day.
Gretchen got some black hand wraps, some boxing gloves and some new sunglasses. I got a red cape, yes, just like Red Riding Hood's, some new black and red boots and new red headphones.

As Gretchen was trying out her new gloves, I put on my red cape and ran around the house exclaiming, "I'm a super hero!".
I jumped from couch to couch, giggling.

"Be careful, Sky," warned Gretchen.

"Man, you sound like mom--" the doorbell rang and interrupted me, which made me fall.

"Told ya," she chuckled.

"Ayyy," I whined and rubbed my head where I got hit. "Oh, I'll got get it! It's probably Lili!"

I ran to the door and opened it. My smile suddenly faded away as I closed the door with force.
"What the hell do you want!" I yelled to Jeff from inside the house.

"I just wanna talk..... Come on, it's Christmas! I already said I'm sorry!" he apologized.

"Yeah, come on, it's Christmas, leave me alone for God's sake. You always have to ruin every shit, don't you?"

"Please.... let's talk," he pleaded.

"No." I remarked.


"Gretchen!" I called. After some seconds she came up to me. "Yeah?"

"Help me out, will ya?" I whimpered.

"Look, Sky, I don't wanna interfere but I think you should talk to him. It was all a misunderstanding," she panted.

"You're just saying that because you wanna go try your new gloves!," I pouted.

"...... Accurate. But what I'm saying is true, though. You should talk to him."

"Get him out!" I demanded.

"Fine! Just don't yell,"

She opened the door and walked out. I peeked and saw her as she got closer to Jeff saying, "I got new gloves.... want me to try it out on you?"
"Alright, I'll leave for fuck's sake!" Jeff protested and walked away. I saw him walking away but I noticed something around his neck besides his white hoodie. It was a scarf. A red scarf. The scarf I gave him....! My eyes started watering. I shook my head and blushed at my absurd actions. Gretchen came back inside and closed the door. "Done!" she giggled and went back to the living room to keep on trying her gloves. I sat down on the couch and started thinking.

"What's wrong? Aren't you gonna go play around with your new cool cape?" Gretchen questioned me.

"It's just that..... he was wearing that scarf I gave him," I muttered.

"That's a good sign," she stopped, panted and sat next to me.

"Huh?" I tilted my head to one side.

"That means he cares, doesn't he?"

"Gretchen...... you clever woman," I punched her arm playfully.

"Um, yeah, Sky, it's pretty obvious," she chuckled.

"Ughhhh, I don't know what to do," I pressed my face against a pillow and muffled.

~Time skip~

I was in my room, listening to some music with my new headphones, but a call interrupted my hobby. It was an unknown number. Who would it be?
I took off my headphones and picked it up.


"Bella, we have to talk. We gotta fuckin' stop."

"Jeff? Do not call me Bella! And where the hell are you calling me from? I don't think nobody gave you a phone for Christmas," I said.

"It's a damn public phone. Look, we gotta fucking talk. Meet me at the park--"

"I'm not meeting you nowhere! You fucking killed my friend, Jeff! I'm never gonna forgive you for this!"

"It was a damn mistake! Goddamn," he scoffed.

"You still killed her...," I mumbled.

"It was a fucking misunderstanding!"

"But you still killed her! You killed my best friend!"

"You know what? I'm fucking done with this. I'm done with you. I'm trying to talk to you but you don't want to listen. You only think about yourself and don't actually think of my true regret. I'm trying to say that it was a mistake, but no, you, being a bitch keep denying it. I'm fucking done. You're an act. Fuck you."

My eyes widened and tears were running down my cheek.

"Fuck you too!" I cried before hanging up and  throwing the phone away.

**JEFF'S P.O.V**

She hung up. She fucking hung up on me. It really hurts...

I regret saying those things to her. I didn't mean any harm. God, I'm such an idiot. I placed the phone on its place and walked off to the mansion. After I arrived, I went up to my room and closed the door before laying on my bed.
"Hey, bro," I heard a knock from my door.

I growled, stood up from the messy bed and opened the door. "What the hell do you want," I muttered.

"What's up, bro? Did it work?" Ben asked.

"What do you possibly think?"

"........ Yes?" Ben shrugged and smiled. I grabbed him by his shirt and noticed that a necklace slipped from under his shirt. I took a quick glance at it and saw a blue-heart-shaped necklace. "What the hell...." I let go off him and stared at him. Rapidly, he put his necklace back under his shirt. "What the fuck was that?" I asked him. "Nothing," he said quickly. I sighed. "Whatever. I really don't care anyways," I closed the door at his face and laid down on my bed.

"Bro, we don't like seeing you like this. I'll tell BonBon about it. I'm pretty sure she'll change Ninja's mind."

Ugh, but I already thought of that.

I slipped my hand onto my hoodie pocket and touched my knife, sliding my finger on it.

'Maybe if I go for a kill, some of the pain will go away, even though it will still be here with me....' I thought.

Kill Me With Your Love (Jeff the killer story)Where stories live. Discover now