Chapter 42

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*YIKES. ALREADY CHAPTER 42? Go to sleep, reader. Nah, I'm just kidding XD.


Well, once again, I would like to thank AwkwardLaugh for helping me so much with this book! If it wouldn't be for her, this book wouldn't be working out XD. I hope she helps me with future chapters because, man, XD, you're really good at this stuff. I'm just a potato. Anywaysss, thank you so much for reading. Enjoy the chapter!

Stay creepy and awesome~!*

**SKY'S P.O.V**

It was 2:28 pm. Some days later after Christmas. It was a lazy day for Gretchen and I, our parents were working so we were on the couch, watching some TV. She already knew what happened when Jeff called me for the last time because I obviously told her. The doorbell rang.
I, still suspicious, was hesitating to open it so I told Gretchen to open it just in case. I heard her opening the door, but then, I heard nothing. After some really long seconds, a heard a loud crash. I jumped out of the couch and ran to the front door. Gretchen was on the floor, struggling to get up. I looked at the front door, looking for the responsible of such an act. BonBon was in there, glancing at Gretchen with hatred.

"BonBon? What the hell? What was that for!" I yelled.

"You!" BonBon pointed at Gretchen.

"Sky.....go get my gloves.....," Gretchen demanded.

"But, Gretchen--"


I panicked and ran to the living room, remembering the last time I saw them. I found them on the couch, grabbed them and threw them at Gretchen. Gretchen fitted her gloves, standing up and facing BonBon.
"You want to fight, don't you?" Gretchen asked her. "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you."

"N-no, don't--"

BonBon smirked and took out her umbrella. "I will too,"

BonBon backflipped away, barely dodging an uppercut. So she was now outside the house. Gretchen smirked and chased her, jumping in her direction and throwing a quick jab. BonBon rolled to the side and lunged forth, throwing a haymaker for the blonde woman.

Gretchen ducked with ease, the first missing her entirely.

"Stop it!" I yelled.

Gretchen gasped and raised both of her eyebrows before falling on the floor.

"Gretchen!" I ran up to her and asked her, "Are you alright?"

"I'm alright...." she said, standing up slowly and looking at BonBon.

"What's up with you two?" I asked.

"It's a looong story," replied Gretchen.

"I would like to hear about it," I responded.

I sighed, "Let's just go inside and talk about it."

They both agreed and went inside. I closed the door before we sat on the couch. "Tell me," I demanded.
"It was a long time ago when it happened. I was doing the usual thing, just wandering around who knows where. It was a cold night and I was at the street all alone. That's where I heard some footsteps and saw her. I tackled her and was about to killed her, but, for my surprise, she defended herself. She gave me this huge punch on my face, I even felt dizzy. When I was about to take out my umbrella, she disappeared. I was like, 'Whaaaaat the fuck happened?'" BonBon explained.

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