Chapter 67

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"OH! I got another one! What about that time you wanted to go to a Katy Perry concert so bad, you worked at my dad's bakery because you didn't have enough money, and, on top of that, you were being rude to people so he fired you!" Melissa laughed hysterically.

"Holy cow. Let's check that out," I laughed.

"And, remember, when you hear that ring, you must always say, "Welcome to J. K's bakery!"." said Melissa's Dad.

"Got it, boss," I said with enthusiasm.

"And, we open..... Now!" he said, flipping the sign into a "Open" one.

After fifteen minutes, people started to arrive and I had to attend them. And, my worst encounter, Adalia and Spencer. They sat down and I walked over to them. "What would you like?" I asked with a bore expression. "I want a strawberry smoothie." said Adalia.

"Oh, and, I want a hot chocolate." ordered Spencer.

I sighed. "Anything else?"

They both shook their heads as I walked over to Melissa's Dad. "One banana smoothie and a hot chocolate," I said. "You got it, Woods," he said, starting to make the smoothie first.

After two minutes, I walked over to Adalia and Spencer with their orders and handed it to them. "What. Is. This?" Adalia gasped.

"It's what you ordered," I remarked.

"I perfectly ordered a strawberry smoothie, not a banana smoothie. Do you not know that I'm allergic to bananas? How am I supposed to drink this?" stated Adalia.

"Oh. Right. Be right back. I'll go get a straw for you," I said.

Spencer snorted, almost spitting out his hot chocolate. Adalia growled. Melissa's Dad walked over to me to go attend a girl and gave me this angry look. I sighed and grabbed the banana smoothie, walking over to the place again and making a strawberry smoothie. "Seriously, man, how the fuck is she allergic to bananas? From all the things, bananas?" I muttered under my breath.

I walked towards Adalia and gave her the strawberry smoothie. "Here you go. Enjoy." I said as I turned and left. 'Man, I'm not liking this job very much. Maybe I should do something to fire myself.' I thought to myself.

"Hey, girl! You gonna drink that up or what?" I yelled to a blonde girl that wasn't even drinking her coffee, just doing some stuff on her computer. "Woods, you can't possibly talk to costumers like that! You're fired!" exclaimed Melissa's Dad.

"Thank you so much! Woooo!" I wiggled my arms in the air and walked off, taking out the fingers at Adalia and Spencer.

"You weren't even there for twenty minutes!" laughed Melissa.

"Yeah. I'm really not a smoothie person. I'm more of a coffee person." I remarked.

"My dad sells coffee in there as well...." Melissa tilted her head.

"Oh, yeah,"

"I never knew how you got in that concert if you didn't work for a day at my dad's place!" Melissa exclaimed.

"I sold candy," I answered.

Melissa let out a gasp. "You don't mean...."

"What?" I questioned.

She leaned closer to me and whispered, "Drugs."

"What!" I laughed, "Are you serious? No, bruh. Literally candy. Ya know. Oreos, Chips Ahoy, Twix, Kit Kats, Nutella, etc. One dollar the cookies and two dollars the candies."

Melissa sighed in relief. "You also got some help, right?"

"Yeah, my parents's gave me extra money, seeing how much I was putting effort over that concert. And it was totally worth it," I chuckled.

"I wanted to go. But, my parents didn't have money." Melissa shrugged.

"That's why some people publish her concerts on Youtube." I laughed.

The last time I saw Melissa's smile, was the day before she stated that she felt she was being watched and followed. I had told her to ignore it, since that used to happen to me. But, she ignored it and looked what happened. Her parents found her dead in her bedroom in the next morning. She had a smile cut from ear to ear and was stabbed several times.

I could only guess who was the responsible.

Her funeral was depressing, despising how many people loved her, including me, her best friend. After a couple of months, I met her, I met Lili. At first, I thought Lili was one of those girls that wouldn't care over a depressive loner. But, she proved me that I was wrong. She really wanted to be my friend. And, of course, I accepted her request.
When we started hanging out, my self stem was rising up. So, I started being really happy and childish, then, sad and depressive, then, happy and childish again. I know I'm too weird but it's just who I am. Then, that's when Lili and I became the best of friends.

"I've always wondered...." I started, "How come you forgave Jeff for what he did to you? I mean, he killed you!"

"I just sorta moved on. And, look at what destiny did to both of you." Melissa giggled. I gave her a confused look. "I'm not even gonna ask. You're Melissa after all," I chuckled.

"What are you waiting for?! Huh? Just kill me, you fucker! I don't care anyways! Yeah, you heard me! You monster! Fuck I was waiting so long to insult somebody! Whoever thought it would be you? Mo-ther-fuc-ker." I yelled, mocked and glared at him. He glared back at me and raised his knife up. No, I wasn't scared of him...I was scared of death. I was scared of losing my friends and my family. I tried to untie my hands but it was impossible.
"Well aren't you a cute one?" He ran his finger through my hair. I bit his arm with too much pressure.
"Agh!" He grunted as I stopped bitting him.
"I am not scared of you," I mumbled.
"You should be, because I'm the last thing you will see before you die." he rubbed his knife with his finger.

"You're insane, you pathetic little piece of shit." I spit on his face.

"Are you kidding me? Why this? Jeffy?" I laughed. "Now that I think about it, I kinda miss him." I pouted as well.

Melissa chuckled. "We should get some rest."

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