Chapter 30

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*OOOHHHHHH WUT WUT. DOUBLE UPDATE? AHAHAHAHA. It's Christmas so miracles happen. XD*

One night when the town is wrapped by the silence, white pours down. I was at the backyard with Jeff, enjoying the cold. On my palm, an ephemeral fragment fell and melted.
I hissed and shook my hand.

"Didn't you buy some gloves?" Jeff questioned.

I shook my head and said, "Nah, I don't like wearing gloves,"

"Not even party gloves?" he laughed.

"None." I replied.

"If your hands freeze, don't tell me I didn't warn you," he chuckled.

"Technically, you didn't warn me," I smiled.

"Goddammit, Bella," he crossed his arms.

I let out a laugh and stood up, throwing myself against the ground covered in snow.
Jeff laughed and stood up as well before getting some snow, making them as a snowball and throwing them at me. I yelped and grabbed some snow, making them as a snowball and throwing them at him.
"SNOWBALL FIGHT." he exclaimed.
I stood up rapidly and tried to make a shield of snow.
Jeff did the same as I finished sooner than him and threw at him some snowballs.
"NOT FAIR, I WASN'T READY." he yelped.
"ANYTHING IS FAIR," I laughed.

".......FuuuUUUUUCK." he whined.

I laughed hysterically and kept throwing snowballs at him but he ended up dodging them.


I sighed and smiled, "Look at them, Ben. Why can't Jack and I be that happy?"

"What do you mean? Aren't you guys fucking dating?" he tilted his head to a side.

"We are, but, look where I am," I chuckled slightly.

"They are cute, aren't they?" Ben snorted.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled.
"Say, BonBon, before you got to the mansion, where were you fucking living? Like, goddamn you are so mysterious." Ben narrowed his eyes.

"And I'm not telling you," I smirked.

Ben pouted.

"You guys just really don't know the real me and my past," I murmured.

"Huh?" Ben blinked.

"Ben.......I can trust you....right?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"You say that I'm so you really think that?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I mean, not in that way. Did you take that as an offensive task or what?" he scoffed.

"No, it's just that, you're right. I'm so mysterious. Always disappearing. Wandering around who knows where. Always doing who knows what."

"Is this about the Jack thing?" he asked.

"No, don't you get what I'm trying to say? I'm going to tell you who I really am, Ben."

"Oh. OH. OH-- SHIT. Wait a sec! Let me sit down, mama!"

It all happened one thousand years ago. When peace really existed. When there was no cruelty, no violence, and no robbery. Well, at least where I lived. I was only a child with one hundred and one years. No, I wasn't a vampire or anything like it. It was just what I was. I didn't even know what I was. I lived with my family and my brother, Caleb. I'm not gonna lie, we weren't a happy family, we weren't like other families. We were different. And different was wrong where I lived. I never had any friends. I only had Caleb by my side. I used to be pretty then. I used to have a pale skin, blue ocean eyes, and pretty long black hair. We lived in the woods. Far from the village. Far from people. I looked like a nine years old girl, but trust me, I was a hundred one years old.
One day, Caleb and I decided to play outside with the sunshine. We really didn't know what games to play so we really weren't doing anything. Caleb and I decided to sneak out and discover some games at the village. When we were close, Caleb called me out.

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