Chapter 51

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*Heyyy. Sorry! Forgot to update last night. But, it's here ! A big thanks to AwkwardLaugh for helping me out on this chapter! Go follow her and check out her amazing story that's like the bomb! Damn !

Anyways, enjoy the chapter~!

Stay creepy and awesome~!*


As Sky opened Prefect Cassandra's office door, she got in sneakily. She was looking for a key that Samara showed her so she can open the door to look for that diamond heart. Prefect Cassandra was a little bit busy because there were some visitors and the Prefect had to attend to them and Mrs. Ivy as well.

Sky started opening the drawers of the Prefect's desk. She rummaged through endless stacks of papers and boxes. Frustrated, she threw a punch at the side of the desk and heard a click. She squinted to force her vision to focus, noticing a small panel at the back of the desk was cracked open. Skyleigh's eyes widened with surprise, she lunged at the secret compartment and tore it open, retrieving a small black velvet box. She opened it and a golden key stared back at her. She gasped,  "Fuck, yes!" She grasped the box close to her chest. The cold chill that ran through her spine interrupted her small celebration, she turned around and let out a small shriek when she noticed Samara was less than five inches away from her face.

"You must leave now, Prefect Cassandra is on her way in!" She whisper yelled. Skyleigh held the box tighter in her arms "What the fuck?! No way, I have to get this key for that stupid toy room. Go distract her, please!" Skyleigh pleaded with Samara but the sudden noise of the door handle caught her attention. Skyleigh immediately duked under the desk and held her breath. Skyleigh followed the noise of shoes scuffling across the room.

"Yeah, yeah. You heard me. You go to their house, kill all of 'em, and Skyleigh will be trapped here forever. There is no way somebody will notice her lost if we kill her family, especially her sister you-know-who," she recognized the voice of Prefect Cassandra and clapped her hand over her mouth to prevent herself from making any noises. Skyleigh began to panic the more she heard Prefect Cassandra talking. Her heart began to race and her head felt like it was spinning, it became obvious to Skyleigh that if she didn't get out of here soon, she would either pass out from shock or get caught. The footsteps got closer. Skyleigh, feeling brave, decided to peek around the desk. when her head was sticking out far enough for her to see she got a glance of brown and grey hair bobbing up and down. This was her chance and Skyleigh knew it.

She quietly got up from under the desk and began to tiptoe her way towards the door. A loud crashing sound echoed around the room and Skyleigh mentally kicked herself. She had forgotten to grab the box from her lap and it had fallen to the floor.

Prefect Cassandra spun around, a murderous gaze on her wrinkly face. "What the f-- What are you doing here?!" she shouted, lunging forward and gripping Skyleigh's forearm. Prefect Cassandra's eye's darted towards the floor and widened when she noticed the box she was hiding on the floor. "Ahhhh, trying to get away with this, eh? I'm getting tired of your crap! And now, your punishment will be worse than the last one, understood?!" Prefect Cassandra bent over and picked up the box from the floor. "Now, go, go!" She pushed Skyleigh out of her office and dragged her to a door that was near her office. "No. No! Please, Prefect Cassandra! I--"

"Shut up! I've had it with your crap!" Prefect Cassandra put the key in the door lock and turned it before opening the door and pushing Skyleigh into the room while she closed the door again and locked it. "NO, PREFECT CASSANDRA, PLEASE!" Skyleigh begged but Prefect Cassandra has already left. Skyleigh looked around the dark and alone room and a cold shill ran through her spine.

"Skyleigh," a voice similar to Samara's called.

"Samara?" Skyleigh questioned. Samara walked closer to Skyleigh and shook her head in disappointment. "I'm sorry.....," cried Skyleigh. "It's alright, Skyleigh," Samara sighed, "It wasn't your fault, anyways. I should have distracted her,"

"No, no. Stop blaming yourself, Samara." I sniffled. "We need a plan," said Samara. Skyleigh glanced at her. "It's obvious that Prefect Cassandra hid the box somewhere else since you found it," said Samara, "So, I'm going to her office and spy on her to see where she hides it next time."

"Great plan," Skyleigh murmured.

*????? P.O.V*

I woke up in a dark, empty and small space. I saw a ray of light and tried to reach out for the light. But then I noticed I was in a case. Or maybe in a coffin. Since I'm so small. I tried to push the little door open, and when I did, I was surrounded by trees. I was in the woods.
I got out of the tiny coffin and fell on the floor, staring down at the grass. It was nighttime but I still had a night vision. My eyes.

"My brother.....," I whispered to myself. "Please come back,"

"I heard that the sound of bells annoy them!" a voice of a man yelled.

"I heard that by burying a piece of wood or just metal onto their hearts, kills them!" a second voice of a man yelled as well.

I whimpered. "I need you with me, brother...,"

"I heard a voice of a little girl! That way!"

I looked up and saw two men heading my way. I stood up and started running away. "This way! I saw something moving!"

I cried and ran to the top of a mountain. "I see her!"

I gasped and kept running through flames. The woods was on fire.

"You're never getting out alive!" the man yelled to me but closer as he was running behind me. I ran faster before losing sight of him and I stopped, looking up at a building. Church. I opened the door and stepped in, walking closer to the altar with tears in the corner of my eyes. "THERE YOU ARE," the man exclaimed. "I'm surprised you're in a place like this!"
I gasped before looking back to him. He had a piece of wood and a hammer.  I ran away and tried to run past him but he threw the piece of wood at my head and I fell.

He ran at me and picked me up by the neck.

"MONSTERS LIKE YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN EXIST," he gripped my neck harder. I was choking. "BECAUSE OF YOU MY DAUGHTER DIED. BECAUSE OF YOU THE WHOLE VILLAGE IS DEAD. BECAUSE OF YOU THE--" he stopped as his eyes widened and tentacles appeared behind his back. He fell on the floor and released my neck. I fell and started coughing while rubbing my neck. I looked up and saw a really tall man that was wearing a suit. But he didn't have a face.... That's what concerned me....

"Come with me, BonBon. I will show you there's another way. I'll take good care of you,"


"I'm glad you're back, Caleb," I smiled at him, walking further into the woods with him. He smiled back. "Me too,"

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