Chapter 40

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*HIIIII WELCOME TO ANOTHER CHAPTER OF KMWYL! Before I continue, just a quick announcement, if you're a fan of fantasy, Harry Potter, Divergent, all that cool shit, please, please, pLEASE, check my bby's new book AwkwardLaugh "Whisper". It's hella awesome. I already read it and I can't wait for chapter 2!!!! Keep on writing and reading! AND WOAH WE ALREADY MADE IT TO CHAPTER 40 WHAT THE HELL. I didn't even notice. (Note sarcasm) Anyways, that's all! Thank you! 

Stay creepy and awesome~!*

"I'm Laughing Jack," he greeted and gave me a macabre grin.


I heard a ringtone. My ringtone from my phone. As if someone was calling me. I blinked and without noticing, I was in my room.

Thank God. phone.

I felt dizzy but I ignored it. I walked towards my phone which was on my drawer and picked it up.


"OMG, Sky!" exclaimed Lili.

"What what!" I giggled and sighed in relief, thinking that what I saw, was only a daydreaming.

"You know Spencer? From our school?"

Spencer Miles. He's the most popular guy in school. Despising that he's an athlete, he is very handsome. Not that I'm interested in popular guys. But he's a fuck boy. I wonder why she's talking about him. I mean, she always thought that he was cute but I really don't know.

"Uh, fuckboy? Yeah. What about him?"

"Well, this 'fuckboy' just asked me out. And I, of course, said yes!!" she giggled through the phone.

My left eye twitched.

He asked her out?

She said yes...?

"O-oh, that's so great, Lili!" I chuckled nervously.

"Yeah!!! And he was like, 'Hey, wanna go to the movies tomorrow night? I'll pick you up at eight' and then I was like, 'R-really?'. But you know how I am, I always want to keep stuff cool. I was obviously screaming inside my head but then I responded, 'Sure, okay'."

"That's so nice!," I remarked.

"Yeah, just wanted to tell ya that. Cause I'm so excited I can't stand it." she giggled.

"Heh. Hey, I gotta go. Gretchen told me to help her with some stuff. Talk to you later. Bye!"


I hung up, sighed and lied on my bed. Cookie jumped on the bed and lied next to me as well.
"This is great, Cookie. Everything's perfect. I broke up with Jeff while Lili has..... Spencer," I whined. "It's not that I'm jealous. It's just that I never liked Spencer. I mean, he never bothered me or bullied me like Adalia, he actually did the opposite. He defended me, and at some times, he would try to.... flirt with me. I actually never cared. Because I can handle things at my own!"

Cookie just stared at me for a few seconds then started licking his paw. "Cookie, what the fuck are you doing, you're not a cat," I sighed.
"Ugh, I'm going out for a walk," I said, standing up from the bed and putting on some boots before putting my phone in my pocket. I went downstairs and said to Gretchen that I was gonna walk. She agreed and I got out of the house, making my way through the neighborhood. As I was looking down, I felt like I accidentally bumped into someone. I looked up rapidly and apologized. "I'm sorry!"

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