Chapter 27

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*HEYO, CREEPS. I know it's been so long since I seriously updated. Well, school is about to end with Christmas so I have more time to write, yay! That's all I have to say. I'm taking the Christmas break next week so yepee~! Also, I was just gonna warn that this book will have probably like 80-90 chapters because I have so many things planned.

Anyways, stay creepy and awesome~! *


"Do I really have to wait that long for her?"

"Come on, Bella, you're stressing yourself when I bet she's even close. I'm telling you, she's coming. Just be patient." Jeff wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Alright," I sighed, looking straight at him.

"Come on, now, it's one in the morning. Maybe we should go to-"

A beep from my phone interrupted him. I checked my phone and it was a message from Gretchen.

Gretchen: Hey, Sky, I searched everywhere for her and nobody knows who she is. So she never traveled around here, or people just don't remember her.

I sighed and decided to respond.

Me: It's okay! I appreciate your help anyway! ^.^

Gretchen: Oh, okay! Well, ttyl, I'm gonna go to bed.

Me: K, 'night.

Gretchen: Gn

I turned off my phone and Jeff asked me, "Who was that?"
"Oh, just a friend I guess. She was trying to help me." I responded.
"Oh, okay....?"

I yawned and lay on the bed, turning my back on Jeff. He wrapped his arms around my stomach and kissed my cheek, making me blush slightly. I giggled and said, "Good night, Jeff."

"Good night, Bella."


As I was sitting on the couch, watching TV with Ben and Jeff, I rested my head on Jeff's lap, facing him up and sticking my tongue at him.
"Better put that tongue back in your mouth before I do something to it," he smirked. I squealed and put my tongue back, pouting at him. He laughed and I whined while Ben just said, "Oh."

I stood up and said, "Well, I better make something to eat."
I went to the kitchen and took out some chicken, salsa, juice, vegetables and other ingredients.
I classified them and placed them down, seeing everyone coming in, except BonBon, she was still asleep.
"What's up? We got bored so we decided to help you with whatever you're making." snorted Ben.
"Uh, okay," I replied.

Ben chuckled and opened some of the salsa, putting some on Jeff.
"Hey! Come on, man. Put that back!" I yelled.
"Pfft, or what?" He placed it down and took some juice, spraying it on Jeff.
"That's it," Jeff grunted, taking the juice out of Ben's hand and spraying it on him.
"AH! LIQUID! SON OF A DOG." Ben whined.

"Hey! No food fight!" I yelled at them but they didn't hear me.

They kept spraying juice to each other until I grabbed another juice and sprayed it on both of them. When they saw me, they both sprayed some juice on me. I yelped and grabbed two tomatoes, throwing one at Jeff and Ben. They both gagged, realizing they were both covered in tomato juice.
Jeff quickly grabbed a tomato and threw it at me. I exclaimed, "Ugh!" and Jeff poured some salt over me. "Now I can eat you~"
I tackled him as I saw Ben throwing some chocolate cookies at us.
"NO! That's a good waste of cookies!" I whimpered.

"CHILDREN PLEASE don't play with your food!" I heard a voice like BonBon's yell. I looked over at the door and saw BonBon standing in there.
She walked closer and grabbed my hand, pulling me up. She grabbed a salsa can, opened it and poured it over Jeff, Ben and I.
We screamed as we kept on with the food fight until Ben, surprisingly, won.
"Aw, well then, that's a shame," I sighed.
Everyone, excluding BonBon, nodded in agreement. "Ew, we stink," BonBon gagged.
"You don't say," Jeff remarked.
"...........The last one who gets to the bathroom is a rotten egg!" I yelled while I ran through the halls, getting closer to the bathroom. Everyone was running behind me, BonBon reached me and got in the bathroom first, closing the door and leaving Ben, Jeff and I outside waiting for her. We whined and Jeff scratched the door like a puppy. "BonBon, have mercy." I whined.
BonBon ignored us and took a quick shower. After ten minutes she got out well dressed and happily. I got in the bathroom rapidly and closed the door, listening to Jeff's and Ben's whines. I turned on the water tub and water started to come out. The sound of the water falling into the tub made Jeff and Ben more desperate.
"Ohhh damn, the water's so warm! Aren't I a lucky girl!" I giggled.
They both started hyperventilating and whining more and more.
I laughed hysterically and decided to take a shower already.

BonBon left me some of my clothes in the bathroom as I got out, drying myself and putting my black pants and a blue shirt on. I brushed my hair before getting out of the bathroom while Jeff got in first than Ben.
"Oh, come on! Are you fucking shitting me!" Ben whimpered.
Jeff opened the door a little bit and popped his head out. "No, not yet, bro," Jeff said before getting his head back inside and closing the door.
Ben whines grew louder as he banged the door.
I chuckled and rolled my eyes, walking to the living room and sitting next to BonBon.
"Hey, Sky, why didn't you tell me that there was ice cream in here?" BonBon giggled while eating some strawberry ice cream.
"Oh, there is?" I tilted my head to a side.
She gave me a weird look and nodded slowly. "Or what? The ghost did it?!" She yelled while pointing her spoon at me.
I laughed and shook my head, saying, "Ohhhh yes, indeed. The killer ghost did it!"

"BOO! I'M THE KILLER GHOST." A voice like Jeff's startled us. BonBon and I jumped at the same time and I yelped.
"Goddamn you, Jeffy!" I punched his arm playfully.
He laughed and sat next to me, huddling me as I huddled him back.
I heard the front door opening, I ignored it, thinking it was Ben or somethings for some reason.

Then, a voice made me freeze.

"What are you dimwits doing in my house!"

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