Chapter 49

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*HEYYYY! WELCOME TO ANOTHER UPDATE OF DESTRUCTIONNNNN. Thanks AwkwardLaugh for reminding me to update -3-. Eh, I have really nothing to say so enjoy the chapter!

Stay creepy and awesome~~~!!*


"What do you mean she was sent to an Orphanage?" I asked to Jeff. "She was sent to an Orphanage, San Andrea! And it was all my fault......," Jeff muttered under his breath. "Now it's not the time to blame yourself, Jeff! We have to get her! She doesn't belong in a fucking Orphanage,"

"Yes, but, how are we gonna get her? I mean, it's obvious they won't let us in. We have to get her by force," Jeff said.

"You're right," I started, "We need a plan. I need you, Ben, Eyeless Jack, Masky and Hoodie."

"What for?" Jeff questioned.

"We're getting her out of there,"

"Once again, how the fuck?"

"I'll just make up a plan, okay? I'm Gretchen if you didn't know," I chuckled.


"Go, get them,"

"Fine," he dragged his self lazily to the living room. Yep, for some reason, we were talking in the kitchen. Don't ask me he's the one that dragged me here.

Everyone finally got in the kitchen along with Jeff. I smiled. "Good. This is the plan...."


Great, I haven't been in here for more than 3 days and I'm already grounded. I was sent to a basement. A cold and dark basement and totally not creepy at all. (Note the sarcasm). It was locked so, obviously, I couldn't get out.

I sat down, hugged my legs and started sobbing quietly.

This is all my fault...... I miss everybody.....
I'm sorry, Jeff....... If I wouldn't have fought with you, I'd probably be with you, wrapped in your warm arms......... I'm sorry, everybody. I've failed you........ I'm sorry, Mom, dad, and Gretchen...

"Don't cry," a faint voice said.


I examined the voice for a moment and it took me long before I realized it was Samara. "Oh, hey, Samara," I sniffled. "Why are you crying?" she asked.

"Because I miss everybody," I frowned.

"Don't worry, somebody will come for you eventually," she said. "I hope so...... But I have to return those hearts first,"

"Why don't you start with me?"

"You haven't gotten your heart yet?" I tilted my head.


"But I'm trapped here. How am I going to get it for you? And how come you couldn't get it first?"

"Skyleigh, I'm a ghost. I can't touch things."


"Just wait here. I'll bring you some news," she said as she vanished away.

I sighed. "What's the fucking point anyways,"

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