Chapter 54

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Sad thing is I'm feeling kinda sick XD.

But yeah that doesn't matter.

Enjoy the chapter~!!!

Stay awesome and creepy~!!**


As I made my way to the toy room with the diamond heart and the key in my hand, I felt a strange presence. "Are you gonna go get it?" a faint voice asked. I froze.
I looked back to see Mrs. Ivy's childhood. I sighed in relief. "Get what?" I asked her back. "Celia?" she looked at me with no expression. "Celia?" I questioned her. "My doll...." she finally replied.

"Oh," I said, "Yes. Yes, I am,"

We stood there for what seemed like an eternity of silence. "Please, be careful," she said before fading away. I nodded at her warning and kept walking to the toy room. I was close. I was close and I could've feel it. "So much saying from dark childhood Ivy...." I thought to myself.

I ended up in a room. The exact same room I was looking for. I smiled to myself and unlocked the door with the golden key. The door opened and I got in. I flicked the light switch and the dimmed room turned from dark, to bright. I started looking for the doll I had in my hands a couple of days ago. But what I saw was only toys, bags and other shit--

Wait. My book bag. There it is!

But, I have no time for this. I need to look for the doll. I suddenly spotted a similar doll-- The doll I was looking for. I sighed happily and grinned, walking towards the doll and picked it up from the floor. I mentally high-fived myself but a question came into my mind. "How the hell am I going to put it on?" I murmured to myself. After thinking for a while, I remembered my scythe. I got it out and un-shrunk it. Even though it's big, I guess it would still work. Carefully, I sliced part of the doll where the heart's supposed to be. I spread the cut wide open, revealing stuffed cotton. Before I could've get the diamond heart out, suddenly, the environment felt really heavy and a cold shill ran around my spine. I looked back and saw Savannah, giving me a dead glare.

I growled and asked through clenched teeth, "What do you want?"

"I want....... You," she replied.

"Too bad that's not gonna happen," I narrowed my eyes at her.

By now, she seemed extremely furious. She got out a pair of scissors and ran to me. Quickly, I casted a protection spell Mrs. Pencilneck taught me. It was sort of a protection bubble. She growled furiously and started banging on the bubble she couldn't get pass through. Before I could've think twice, I got out the diamond heart and put it on the doll, sealing that cut. Savannah let out a frustrated growl before her whole body was turning into a bright light. I closed my eyes because of the brightness and when I opened them, she was already gone.

I canceled the protection spell and I walked around with the doll in hand. I shrunk my scythe again and put it on my uniform pocket, running out of the room and locking it with my golden key. "Thank you...." I heard a few voices whisper. I looked around and saw nothing. I continued my way to my room and placed the doll under my pillow. After some five minutes I heard some noises from Prefect Cassandra's office.

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