Chapter 61

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"You think you pathetic humans can defeat me just like that?" a raspy voice laughed.

They both stilled, scared to turn back. "Un-fucking-believable." Sky muttered, tightening her grip on her scythe. She twirled her scythe whilst turning to face Tom. Sky pointed the barrel of her scythes gun towards him, watching as he leaned against his scythe for support.

Blood had started to make its way down his face as it trickled out of his nose. "Was that the best you could do?" he mocked "At this rate, you'll never get Gretchen back." Sky began to move forward, Jeff followed closely behind her.

If there was one thing skyleigh was sure of, it was that she would get Gretchen back to normal, and she would die trying before she let Tom get away with it.

Sky fired her rifle at Tom, but he dodged the shot, rolling to his left. Sky and Jeff ran towards him, pointing their blades at Tom. He quickly pushed himself up, blocking Sky and Jeff's strikes.

Sky pushed Tom back and sent a bullet his way, hitting him in the hip. Jeff ran behind Tom, slashing his knife at the back of Tom's neck.

He let out a scream and fell to his knees. Jeff and Sky, hesitantly, walked towards him. They stared at him, anticipating his next move. Tom began to chuckle, he continued to laugh until he began to laugh like a maniac.

"Alright, you asked for it." he calmly said before a sudden gust of wind and a flash of light swirled around Jeff and Sky, trapping them in a circle. Once Sky recovered from the shock, she was able to realize that Tom had surrounded them with fire.

She got closer to the fire, but stopped when Jeff grabbed her wrist. "It's too dangerous, you'll get hurt," he warned. Sky knew he was right, but when she caught Tom limping over to Gretchen, she completely ignored what Jeff had to say.

She stretched her hand out towards the fire and concentrated with all her might. She called upon the winds, bending them to her will. The fire grew, despite Sky's efforts, she concentrated harder until she got what she wanted. The fire had faded away. Tom looked back in shock as Sky opened her eyes. Jeff had his mouth wide open as they both looked at each other and gave a nod. They both ran to Tom, Sky, calculating her attacks and examining Tom. Jeff, trying to find away to attack Tom without getting his lover hurt.

Before Tom was about to do something, Jeff ran towards Tom and tackled him to the ground while Sky sliced Tom's back neck and shot him a few times. Before Sky could shoot another attack, Tom had already made his move and shot Sky with a green beam to her head. Unconscious, Sky fell to the ground and collapsed. "SKY!," exclaimed Jeff. Now, Jeff's anger was getting bigger and bigger as he rolled Tom's body, facing him before he started stabbing Tom's heart repeatedly, making sure he wouldn't still be alive.

After that, he stood up and examined Tom, to still make sure he wasn't breathing or anything. He ran to Sky and kneeled down to her body, shaking her. "Sky....," he muttered. "SKY," he yelled.

No. This couldn't be happening. No way in hell. He leaned closer to Sky's chest and placed his ear where supposedly, Sky's heart would be. After a few seconds, he heard it. He heard what he was hopefully looking for. Her heartbeat. She was still breathing. She was still alive. Jeff let out a sigh of relief and heard a sound from afar. He looked away and saw how Gretchen collapsed. He picked up Sky bridal-style, letting her scythe fall down and walking over to Gretchen, whom was on the floor, unconscious as well. "Jeffrey! What is going on?" he heard a familiar voice call. He looked back to see Slenderman, Masky and Hoodie. "S-Sky and Gretchen! I think they fainted or something," Jeff mumbled. "Jeffrey, we have to leave this place. Now." Slenderman demanded. "What? What the hell? Of course I won't leave them!," Jeff contradicted Slender.

"Jeffrey, their parents are in their way with the ambulance and the police. We need to go, now." By that time, Slender sounded more serious. Jeff hesitated on leaving Gretchen and Sky collapsed, but, he had no other choice. Jeff looked down and gave Slender a nod of approve. Jeff, Slender, Masky and Hoodie left the Church as the police and ambulance arrived on time.

**SKY'S P.O.V***

Before I fell on the floor and collapsed, the last thing I saw was a green beam coming at me. After a few seconds, I got the urge to stand up. As I did, I noticed I wasn't carrying my scythe anymore, and I felt something strange in me. I looked at my body and realized I was wearing a white dress. What the hell?

Am I hallucinating?

When I looked down to the floor....... there it was-- there I was! I-I was on the floor. I wasn't in my body. I looked dead-- Don't even think about it, Sky. No, this can't be happening. I heard running footsteps and I looked up to see Jeff, running at me. At my actual body, not me in particular. "Sky....," he muttered and shook my body. "Jeff? Can you hear me?" I asked. "SKY," he exclaimed and shook my body harder. Tears were running down my cheeks before I saw a blue butterfly flying around me. It stopped on the floor and I got curious so I poked it. When I did, its blue color faded away into a white color, and all that surrounded me turned into some kind of forest.

"Woah....," I gasped.

Birds were chirping, blue, pink, yellow and red flowers were decorating the forest. I walked around, asking to myself where I was. Then, I heard it. I heard some type of music. I heard a flute. I followed the music and saw a girl with a colorful dress playing the musical instrument. "E-Excuse me. Where am I--"

The girl with brown wavy hair stopped playing her silver flute and turned around to look at me. And I finally realized who it was.

It was no other than...... my old best friend. Melissa.

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