Chapter 23

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* Road trips are fun when your with Ben .w.

Anyway, I'm sorry I haven't updated since forever, I've been stressed out, school is being like hell to me (as always) and idk I have not been feeling in a good mood this week.

Random guy: It's yo period.

me: nO, STFu-

anyways, thank you, and as always, stay creepy and awesome~ *

I'm still driving and I turned onto I-95.

"Let's play I Spy!" BonBon opined.

"Okay!" Ben answered.

"Okay, I spy with my little eye something tragically hip." said BonBon.

"Is it the way of how Jeff is still a virgin?" Ben asked, taking a bite from a chocolate bar.

Jeff and I blushed, trying to ignore that question.

"Oh, I know!" I said from the front, "Is it how tragic all of this is because I'm trapped two whole hours in a damn car with a fucking midget that won't shut his FUCKING MOUTH AND IS ANNOYING AS HELL?"

"................No." BonBon replied.

Our second stop was at a gas station. BonBon was also sleeping.
We were five minutes away from it so I decided to ask Ben, "Ben, we are stopping, do you have to pee now?"

Ben thinks about it for some seconds and responds, "Nah, I think I'm good,"

"Then you're on gas," Jeff said to Ben.

"Pfft, yeh, I guess," Ben chuckled.

"Oh, and BonBon, we're stopping at a gas station if you want something," Jeff said to BonBon.

"Shut......up......" BonBon mumbled.

"BonBon, come on, we're about to stop, you seriously have to wake up." said Jeff.

"You can buy some candy," Ben told her.

I glanced at Ben through the rearview mirror and mumbled, "You fucking stupid,"

BonBon sat up straight and said, "Ohhhh! Me wants candy! ME LOVES CANDY."

Jeff sighed and facepalmed, "Ben, what are we to do with you,"

We stopped at the gas station while I filled the car with gas and Jeff and BonBon went to the Mini-Market to buy some things.

"Mind if I take a nap?" Ben smirked.

I sighed, "Go ahead, no one's stopping you,"

"Yus!" He exclaimed before turning and staring out the window, staying calm.

Thank you, God! No more annoyingness until we get there!

I finished filling the car with gas, I placed everything on its place and got in the car, waiting for BonBon and Jeff.

My finger was tapping my thighs repetitively, sign of anxiety.

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