Chapter 64

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"What's up?" Melissa asked me, walking next to me. "Just.... thinking," I shrugged.

"Oh," is all she said.

"I want to go to the hospital," I said as I looked at her. She smiled at me and gave me a nod of acceptance, walking away through the forest. As I followed her, everything started fading to a white color. Then, we were in a hallway. "Well," said Melissa, "Enjoy your stay,"

I looked at her and gave her a smile. I looked away but, when I looked back, she was gone. I started walking through walking and looking through the windows of the rooms, trying to find the room I was in. Then, I looked at a bright light coming from a room. I walked towards the room, opening the door and looking at myself on the bed, still unconscious. I walked in and closed the door behind me, walking to a chair that was next to the bed. I sat on the chair and sighed. "Look, Skyleigh, you gotta fucking wake up, okay? Please. If you don't wake up, what's the damn point on keep trying?"

I heard somebody opening the door. I looked up and saw Lili. I raised my eyebrows and smiled widely. "Lili!"

She just walked up to another chair that was at the other side of the bed and sat down. "Man, I can't even remember what it was like being without you. How many times am I gonna fuckin' lose you?" she paused, "The damned nosy nurse said that only your family can visit you. Bullshit, am I right? So I was like, 'I'm her fucking cousin, bitch.' and she still let me in. What a dumbass."

I laughed. I wanted to tell her how much I miss her, but, of course, I couldn't. At least a sign would help. "But, hey. If you wanna laugh with me and shit, you gotta wake up. It would really help if you wake up. Everyone misses you, Sky. Damn. Spencer, of course, wanted to come in 'cause he was a bit worried about you. But I told him no because I didn't want him to lie like I did. It would be fucking obvious and the nurse would have noticed. I hope that whatever's going on in that clumsy little mind of yours, better be fucking good. You know what this reminds me of? Okay, did you see that fucking movie that's based on a book? Um.... Fuck. I forgot the name. Wasn't it..... Oh! 'If I stay'! Wasn't it?"

"Oh, God. Don't even mention the title, Lili. Goddamn." I mumbled. I looked at her as I saw her look back at me. My eyes widened.

Can she see me?

No. Maybe it was something that was where I was. Then, I heard a gasp coming from her. She was looking down at my body. I looked at my body as well to see what was wrong. When I finally noticed, I saw that I was moving two of my fingers with my right hand. "Oh, my fucking God...." Lili muttered under her breath.

"Mr. and Mrs. Woods!," she yelled as she stood up and ran out of the room. "Yes! Come on! You can do it, Sky! Fuck yeah!" I yelled at my own self.

Quickly, some doctors and nurses got in the room I was in. I got out of the room because I didn't want to see what they were doing to me. Then, when I got out, I saw a nurse talking to another nurse. "Mrs. Gretchen doesn't want to eat anything. Maybe with her parents around, will cheer her up a bit." said the first nurse.

"I don't think that's gonna happen. Her sister, Skyleigh, is reacting. Her cousin said she moved two fingers." the second one remarked.

"Oh, is that so? What a miracle," the first one grinned. "They both look real nice and generous."

"Yeah," said the second nurse, " 'Wonder what happened to them. I mean, why are they here?"

"Gretchen! She woke up!" I smiled. "Gah, I need to know where her room is!,"

I ran up to the nurses because one of them had a list. I looked over the first one's shoulder. I started looking for Gretchen impatiently. Then, I saw it. "Gretchen Woods - Room A-13"

I ran away from the nurses, looking for the room Gretchen was in.






"Wait!-- A-13!" I gasped as I opened the door, seeing Gretchen sitting on the bed, looking down without any expression. She, then, started crying. "This is all my fault," she blamed herself through sobs. "Oh, no. Gretchen....," I said as I leaned closer and gave her a hug. I know she obviously can't see or feel me. But I just wanted to hug her so bad.

"How's our little patient doin', Gretchen?" I heard a voice of a woman ask. I pulled away from the hug and looked up at one of the nurses. "Not so well....," sighed Gretchen. "Well, I have splendid news for you." the black haired nurse said. This made Gretchen get interested so she raised her head up to see the nurse. Gretchen tilted her head, waiting for a response from the nurse. "Skyleigh reacted to one of our medications. There's a probability she will wake up from her coma soon." explained the nurse.

"W-What'd she do?" Gretchen asked, raising both of her eyebrows. "She moved two fingers from her right hand. One of your cousins saw her."

"One of my cousins?" Gretchen questioned, giving the nurse a look of confusion. "Yeah. Lilibeth. Isn't it?"

"I don't think--..... Oh. Y-Yeah.... I guess." Gretchen muttered.

"Do you wish to eat something?" the nurse asked. "Um. No, thanks. I'm good." Gretchen replied. "Well, if you need anything I'll be around here." the nurse said before walking out of the room.

Gretchen lay down on the bed and sighed. I kissed her forehead before getting out of the room. I heard chatting and murmurings and I followed the talk. I arrived at a hallway, seeing my Mom and Dad. I smiled at them. At least they're okay. "I can't believe that Tom guy turned out to be a.... a..... a freaking demon! I thought he was finally going to be the love of Gretchen's life. And... because of him... my two babies are in this hospital!" Mom cried.

"He's completely dead so there is no way he will be back." said Dad, comforting Mom.

"Skyleigh," I heard a voice similar so Melissa's. I turned around and saw her. "I think it's time to go. It's too late and I want to rest." she said.

"Rest? But, aren't--"


"Alright. Let's go."

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