Chapter 44

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*I love her voice so much ^^^ ❤️. Anyway, decided to update soon because I won't be on that much. Why? Why???????? I'm gOin' to freakin' Miami on Friday. That's why. Ugh, I have to do homework now but I don't wanna. I wanna write moReeee. But, that's how life goes ;-;. Enjoy!

Stay creepy and awesome~!*

It didn't matter that much to me since Cookie was in the house and he probably did something. I got relieved for a moment until I looked down and saw Cookie, wagging his tail from side to side and looking straight at me.
But then... who made that noise upstairs?

What if its Ben or BonBon?

I'll them not to scare me like that.....!

I stood up and walked silently upstairs. I heard another noise and this time from my room. It was the sound of the wood floor going like Creak. When I finally arrived at the hallway, I made my way slowly to my room. I turned the doorknob slowly then opened the door real quick. I saw those two.....

The Belladonna sisters.

Ugh, they are so annoying. I've had enough at school.

"Oh, no! She caught us! Such a shame!"  Morgan teased.

"Oh, what are we to do now, dear sister.....?" Madison gasped.

"Easy, let's take her to Lord Father," Morgan smirked.

"What a shame. Jeffrey is not here at this moment and you have nobody to defend you. Maybe you should just do nothing and agree to come with us the easy way." Madison opined.

"I don't need anyone to defend my ass! I could just take you down any moment!" I yelled at them through clenched teeth.

"Well, then.... prove it," they both said as they got out their huge black scythe. I did the same with mine and un shrink it.

Morgan scoffed. "What is that little thing? A toy? Oh, Madison, look, Skyleigh still plays with toys...! How cute!"

They both laughed as I gripped onto my scythe. Sure, my scythe is smaller than theirs' but I can still try...!
I ran with my scythe downstairs, not to cause any damage to my home, and opened the door fast. As I got out of my house, I saw bought of them flying at me. I decided to take action first as I pulled back the hammer of my scythe and launched forward in blinding speeds almost like a speeding bullet. They both teleported to me and gave me a huge kick which sent me flying away into the woods. As I struggled to get up, both of them were in front of me. Madison spoke, "If you had come quietly with us, you wouldn't have had to waste your energy."

I slowly stood up and pointed the scythe at them. They laughed. "What is she gonna do with that thing?" Morgan laughed.

They both raised their scythes up. I closed my eyes tight, waiting for an impact. But something stopped them from doing so.

I opened my eyes slowly to see Jeff standing in front of me, facing the twins.

"Looking for trouble again, uh? Get the fuck out," Jeff demanded.

"Ugh, why can't you just leave her alone for a damn second?" Madison scoffed.

"Let's just go. When she is really alone, we'll go get her," Morgan said while grabbing Madison's hand and vanishing away.

"Thanks but I had it all under control," I said, cleaning some dirt off my shoulder.

"Right.... Says the girl who was about to get killed by some stupid bitchy twins," Jeff chuckled.

"I was handling it by myself until you came in!" I yelled.

"No, you didn't," he mocked.

"Yes, I did!,"

"You liar,"

"Ugh, you always make me so mad!," I said while I shrank the scythe and walked off before putting it in my pocket.

"A 'thank you for saving my ass' will do it!," he yelled.

"I said 'Thank you' didn't you fucking hear me..!," I rolled my eyes and finally walked out of the woods. I made my way to my home and saw the door wide open. I got in and saw Gretchen at the stairs.

"Sky?! What the hell happened? When I came here, the door was wide open and I assumed something happened...," Gretchen mumbled.

"Nothing happened. Just a 'little' fight," I laughed nervously.

"With who?" she questioned.

"Uh..... J-Jeff!," I lied.

"Oh. He came back, didn't he? Now, he's just getting on my nerves. Don't worry, next time he comes I'll make him stop talking to you for sure," she smiled at me.

"T-thanks," I fake smiled.

"Hey, so, where were you?" I asked to her.

"At work!" she replied.


"Yeah. They finally accepted me at that Choi Kwang Do place! Isn't that cool?" she smirked.

"Gretchen... that's amazing! I mean, you can teach me some cool karate stuff or whatever you're dealing with," I gave her a wide smile.

She laughed. "Maybe I can. When I get the time. I'm a Choi Kwang Do teacher,"

"Awesome!" I giggled.

"Yeah. Hey, how was your first day at school?" She tilted her head and grinned.

Oh! This morning, I accidentally bumped with my best friend's boyfriend. He tried to help me up but I ignored him and walked straight to school. I stood up for this bitch girl named Adalia and her best friend Briana. She wanted a fight but I fucking denied it 'cause I'm awesome! And besides that the Principal offered me to participate at some games that will be in another school in like two or three months. Oh, I also talked to two girls and I think we're friends now.... Just because of Adalia's case of being a bitchy bitch.

"It was cool," was all I could've said.

"Well, that's great," she pet my hair and looked straight down at me.

Now, she's just abusing power! She's like Jeff's height but a little bit shorter! No, wait..... Now that I think of it.... I see her like a 5'8 maybe. While I'm like 5'3! This is so abusive!

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