Chapter 57

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*Hello there, chapter 57 will be the last chapter for now. I need a break just like AwkwardLaugh . Honestly, I feel like this book is getting stupid and that's why people don't like it. Whatever, I'm really not feeling well. I've been having anxiety and sadness for some reasons I don't want to mention. But, yeah, enjoy this chapter while you can. Goodbye.*

"So, you just told ma and pa about it?" I asked Gretchen. We were in her room, just chatting. We went to pick the dresses for the bridesmaids and we chose a short white dress with some yellow flower designs. "Yep," answered Gretchen, painting her toenails with a bright gold nail polish. "How'd they take it?"

"They took it fine,"



"When will the wedding be?" I asked her. "In a few days," she replied.

"In a few days?! Gretchen, are you crazy?!" I exclaimed. "What? We already have everything planned,"

"How come?"

"We planned everything, Sky. The place, time, dresses, food, everything,"

"So, you're just chill," I cocked an eyebrow. She nodded, still fixing her nails without glancing up at me.

"By a 'few days', you mean....?"

"Three days," she finally responded.

"But, that's going to be on... Wednesday," I mumbled, "Gretchen, I have school that day!"

"It's at five in the afternoon," she stated.

"Ohhhhh. That settles it. You seem to have everything under control," I giggled. "Why wouldn't I?" she asked me. "W-Well, m-maybe you're too busy?" I shrugged. She finally shot me a glance and shook her head from side to side, smiling. "Tomorrow we will be practicing at six o'clock in that Church that's a few minutes away from here," she said, looking down again to her toenails.

This is just getting weirder and stupid to be honest.

"Oh. Cool," I said, standing up from her bed. "I'm gonna go to sleep. I have school tomorrow. Good night," I said before walking towards the door. " 'Night," I heard Gretchen respond before I opened the door and walked out, closing it and walking to my room.

As I closed the door, I flopped on my bed and put my cover on me.


"Welcome back, Mrs. Woods," greeted my English teacher. "Hi," is all I could've said.
I was in my second class of the day. Luckily, Lili was with me in this class. "Today, we will be working with Articles. There are some old magazines over that drawer, take one of the magazines and read one article that interests you the most." my English teacher explained. We all nodded and, in order, we went to grab one magazine. There was one that caught my attention.

"Watch out for serial killer!" is all that it said. I was a little bit confused by the title, because it only said that. Not a specification or anything. I suddenly thought of Jeff. But, then I remembered what the teacher said. These were old magazines. Some of them.

I grabbed the magazine and walked to my seat. I opened it and started flipping through the pages, until I found what I was looking for.

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