Chapter 63

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"Melissa..... do you think I'm gonna..... die?" I asked, pursing my lips and sitting on the grass. "What makes you think that?" she asked back, sitting next to me. "Well, surely, I've never been on a coma before. Do you think I'll never wake up?"

"You gotta have faith, Sky," she smiled at me.

I let out a chuckle. "For me, faith doesn't exist."

"And why do you say that?"

"Faith's never been by my side." I shrugged.

"How come?"

I looked at her. "Man, you ask more questions than the Algebra teacher," I murmured.

"Just bein' curious," she laughed. I punched her arm playfully. "But, seriously. I could be in a coma for even a year. Or more,"

"And that's gonna happen because you won't have faith," Melissa mocked. "Can you not?" I laughed.

"Start by doing what's necessary, then, do the possible, and soon enough, you'll be doing the impossible," she stated.

"You always say that," I muttered.

"And it's always true," she remarked.

I gave her a slight smile. "This is why I love you."

**BEN'S P.O.V**

Man, I shouldn't do this. Jeff has been in his room all fucking day. I should pull a prank on him. I always pull pranks on people when they're feeling down. Well, not people. Let's just say...... uh, famoli. I walked up to Jeff's room and knocked his door slightly. "Who is it,"

"Bro, it's me,"

He opened the door and asked, "What do you want,"

"I wanna show you something," I said, getting in his room and closing the door behind me.

"What is it?" he tilted his head. "Did you know, your TV has a voice activator?"

"What? Bullshit," he murmured. "Yeah," I said, "Watch."

I took my phone out discretely and shouted, "TV, turn off." I turned the TV off from my phone. I looked over at Jeff and he gave me this "Wtf" look. "What the hell?" he remarked. "Yeah. You try it," I demanded.

"Okay..... TV, turn on," he said. I didn't do anything. He sighed. "TV, TURN ON,"

I tried to hold my laugh back. "TV, turn on," I finally said, turning it on with my phone. "Bullshit, man. You gotta show me how to do this. You're like, the fuckin' expert in technology," he said.

"I know," I smirked. "You just gotta tell it what to do, where to go,"

"TV, go to channel 59," he said. I started pressing random numbers on the phone and it went to channel 555. "It's going all crazy," I said. He let out a sigh of annoyance. "GO. TO. CHANNEL. 59, PLEASE," he demanded.

I still didn't do anything. "CHANNEL 59," he yelled. "TV, go to channel 59," I said as I changed the channel to 59. "Fuck this shit, man," he muttered. "Turn the volume up," said Jeff to the TV. I turned the volume up. "OH. It's working!" he said. "Turn down,"

I turned the volume down. "YES. I finally can do it,"

"Tell it to go to something," I said.

"Go to hell," he demanded. I tried so hard holding my laugh back. "No. I mean, a channel,"

"Go to channel 46," he said. I accidentally changed the channel to 43. "Oops," I said as I tried to change it to 46, but it was too late. "The fuck are you doing?"

"N-Nothing," I said as I got out the phone, trying to be discrete as fuck. "What are you doing?" he asked suspiciously. "Tryin' to text somebody," I looked down. "I'll text them for you," said Jeff, leaning closer to grab my phone. "NO. FUCK. I WAS TRYING TO TEXT SOMEBODY,"

He finally grabbed the phone and looked at it. With it, he changed the channel to 46. He looked at me. "You motherfucker,"

I ran to the corner of his room. "NOW, YOU DUMBASS, GET ME THE REAL VOICE ACTIVATOR," he demanded. "That doesn't exist!" I said. He turned to the TV and said, "Go to channel 54!"

He turned to me again. "Get me the voice activator!"

"It doesn't exist!" I laughed. "It's a fuckin' joke,"

He took a deep breath and threw my phone on his bed. "I'm tired of your fucking shit, man. There's always a fucking prank with you. You always have to prank me. Always me. Fucking me. Can't you prank, I don't know, Slendy? EJ? It has to be fucking me?"

I started laughing hysterically. "Because you're funny when you get really angry,"

"Fuck you-- And your shitty pranks. They're not even funny," he murmured.

"They are to me,"

He looked at me. "Get out of my room,"

**SKY'S P.O.V**

People think they know me. They just know me for a day and apparently, know everything about me. I've been having so many problems I'm currently dealing with, that I'm almost stressed out. I used to have a normal life, until, I became the proxy. All I ask is for a normal life. Is that much to ask?

I know, I will probably save the world, I will probably not, but, either way, it's still fucked up. I've always wanted to be a Dj, or maybe, just maybe, a rocker. A rocker was too cliché for me, but, I decided to stick up the Dj part. Then, I decided, to choose none of them. What's the point? I don't know.
That's where I got interested more in History than music. I knew History was gonna be a part of my life. Everyone else probably hates it. But, do I really care? I don't really show that much enthusiasm of what people think of me. To me, what's important is what I want, what I need, and, of course, those who surround me, my family, friends, lovers.

And I really do love making people smile and laugh. Making others smile, is like, having such a perfect day for me. But, what's the point on making others smile, if, you can't even give yourself a grin?

But how am I going to make that happen if I still won't wake up?

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