Chapter 45

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*ANOTHER UPDATE OF DESTRUCTION BECAUSE I FEEL SO PUMPED UP RIGHT NOW. Wait.... (Update of destruction? Holy shit! I am so making that my new thing right now! Madame of destruction! Update of destruction! I aM THE DESTRUCTION!) Okay, that's enough. Enjoy the little destructively update~!

Stay creepy and awesome~!*


"What.....the......FUCK, YO," yelled Ben from the kitchen.
I sighed and went to the kitchen. Funny because I was just on my way to get some water....
I went right to the kitchen and saw him cursing and throwing an ice cream bowl on the floor.
"What the hell are you doing?" I asked to him.

"YOU!" he pointed at me with an angry face.

"Uh, me what?"


"Bro, I didn't even touch your damn ice cream!"

"Potatoe Potato!" he scoffed.

"Call Slendy. Now."

"Ben, I'm not calling Slendy for just some stupid ice cream," I said.

"Do it!," he insisted.

"Fine!," I said as I turned and left the kitchen.

Of course I wasn't gonna go call Slendy about this. It's just stupid.

I turned back to the kitchen as he asked, "Did you call him?!"

I sighed and nodded before I said, "Actually, I came here for a reason. And that is thirst."

"Fuck thirst, man! Some motherfucker ate my ice cream!" he protested.

I sat down on a chair. "And what the hell do you want me to do,"

"I want you to tell me who ate it!,"

"How the fuck should I know?"

"I-I don't know!,"

Someone came in the kitchen. I looked over and saw Sally.

"What's going on?" she asked to us, holding her teddy bear tightly.

"Somebody ate Ben's ice cream," I replied to her.

"Oh. Bye-Bye," she said before turning around.

"Hell fucking no!," Ben ran to her, grabbing her hand and pulling her to sit down next to me. "You're staying here," he narrowed his eyes at her.

Ben scoffed and grabbed the broom. He started cleaning away his mess he made with the ice cream thing.

"Goddamn you, Jeff. Always ruining shit. Fuck you. I wanted to watch this show and eat ice cream but no, you have to ruin every motherfucking shit," he muttered under his breath while he was cleaning his mess.

"You should stop fucking talking about me," I protested.

"Come on, he didn't do anything," Sally defended me.

Ben looked up at me and said, "I ain't talking about you,"

"Alright, go get it, Sally," I said to her.

"What," Ben questioned.

Sally stood up from the chair, pushing it back and walking out of the kitchen and coming back with a bowl of ice cream. Ben gasped and ran up to her, taking the ice cream bowl out of her hands. "You.... you had it all this time?" he sniffled. "Uh.... you can say that," I chuckled. Sally just giggled. "Okay, it is time for your bedtime, Sally." Slendy said as he came into the kitchen. "No! Can't Jeff come with me?" Sally pouted. "Alright. Just call me just in case," he said before getting out. "Okay, Sleeping Beauty, you heard him. Let's get you to sleep," I said as I stood up and grabbed her hand.

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