Chapter 19

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Soo how many of you have been/are going to a 1D concert? :)


After an emotional visit to see my father, Harry decided to take me out for dinner at some fancy sea food restaurant.

"How did you know I like seafood?" I asked him curiously, as he looked at me from across the booth.

" I know." He smirk, taking a sip of his Coke.

"So what are you getting?" I asked looking down at my menu.

"Probably smoked salmon, you?" he replied, setting his menu down and looking at me.

"Hmm shrimp sounds amazing."

"Sounds good," he said taking both our menus and handing them to the waitress.

After we order she told us it would take about half an hour so we had time to kill. The whole time she stared at Harry's tattoos and giving him a smirk before walking away.

"The ladies love you huh?" I asked.

"What?" He said, completely oblivious to what I was talking about.

"Every time your in public all the girls basically undress you with their eyes." I replied.

"You want to undress me?" He asked smirking.

"What? No- Harry." I whined, annoyed.

I grabbed my iPhone from my purse to check the time, only 5pm. I still had 2 hours to decide if I wanted to meet the devil, aka the movie theater guy.

I sighed and put it on the table. Harry looked towards me and furrowed his eyebrows, mentally asking me what was wrong.

"Oh, nothing." I said brushing it off.

He nodded his head and turned to look around the restaurant. While he wasn't looking I took the opportunity to stare him down. His tattoos made him 827488273million times more attractive, the way his green eyes could look through anything. His curly brown hair flipping perfectly without even trying. The shape of his jawline intrigued me by how perfect it was, even though it had bruises scattered across it.

He was perfectly imperfect.


Once we finished eating it was already close to 6pm and I was still unsure if I should tell Harry. I mean, the note didn't say Harry couldn't come, but I'm assuming he would be too much trouble.

"Is there anywhere else you'd like to go?" He asked, taking one last sip of his coke before sliding out of the booth.

"Uhm not really, could you take me home?" I asked also getting out of the booth and standing beside him.

"Oh really?" He asked with a smirk.

Then I realized what he meant.

"Harry, I meant my house!" I said with a giggle. Such a cheeky boy.

"Fine. As long as I can stay." He said as I followed behind him, outside the restaurant.

He doesn't know I have plans in less than an hour.


I'll just make up an excuse or something.

"I guess." I nearly whispered.

We got into Harry's car as he sped down the road, nearly hitting another car who was actually going the speed limit, unlike Harry.

"Harry watch where the fuck your going!" I yelled at him, holding on to the seat.

"He's the dumbass who cut me off!" He yelled back.

"Don't yell at me when you're the one speeding and driving like a maniac!"

"I know what I'm doing Jessamine, don't tell me what to do!" He said getting angry. I sank into my seat with my arms crossed, clearly pissed off.

"Oh so now you're mad at me? Great." He said sarcastically looking out the window with one hand on the steering wheel.

"Yes I'm mad at you because you're being a complete dick!" I yelled at him, looking out my window.

I could feel him looking at me so I turned to face him. His raybans hid his eyes so I couldn't tell how mad he actually was but his knuckles were white as he clenched the steering wheel.

"Don't look at me." I said sassy. "You know what? Just drop me off at home." I sad looking away. I give up.

"Fine I will." He said just as sassy back.

He flew up outside of my house and stopped. I turned to look at him but he wouldn't even look at me. Two can play at this game.

Without hesitation I jumped out of the car and slammed the door, not even turning around.

Once I got inside I peeked out of the peephole of the door and saw Harry hadn't left yet.

I sighed and ran up to my room. My moms car was gone so I assumed her and my grandmother went out.

The clock read 6:35pm and it was at least a ten minute drive.

I decided to dress in a lacy peach shirt with white shorts, along with my tan sandals. My hair still fell into soft waves just as it did earlier.

Before I opened the front door I checked to make sure Harry wasn't there, which he wasn't.

I quickly went to my car and drove off so no one would see me.


I pulled up to the Velvet diner and parked my car on the side. Before I got out I scanned to find the man but I didn't.

As I got out I locked my car and went up to the diner doors. I opened them to see the man sitting at a booth with two waters sitting in front of him.

I slowly walked up to him and he quickly realized it was me.

"I see your boyfriend let you come here." He said, sliding the water in my direction. For all I know he poisoned it.

"First of all he's not my boyfriend. And second, why do you care." I said sassy.

"Sassy isn't going to get you anywhere sweetheart." He replied.

I rolled my eyes and stared at him.

"Did you tell him you were coming here." He asked.

"No." I spat at him. "I'm not here to conversate. If you know who did this to my father, tell me now. Or I'm leaving."

"It's not that simple sweetheart. Someone had something against your father is what it comes down to. Who was it you ask? I don't know myself. There's several people-" then he stopped and looked behind me.

I turned around to see a very pissed off Harry Styles walking towards us.



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