Chapter 40 pt 2

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Fyi I didn't proofread this


"Oh my god." I said cried my eyes out. "Harry what if- what if-" I choked on my own tears.

Harry wrapped his arms around my neck, his hand on the back of my head. "I'm just glad you're okay, I'm so sorry Jessamine..." he nearly whispered.

"What if I go to jail, what if-"

"You won't. Self defense. Jessamine, he was going to fucking rape you!" He grew angry, i could feel him tense under my grip.

I looked up at him, his eyes were glassy.

"Are you upset?" I asked.

"Disappointed. In myself. This should have never happened. He should have never laid a finger on you-"

"But I'm okay." I said quietly.

"We need to call the police." He said quickly, pulling out his phone and dialing 911.

I could only hear his muffled voice since he went back into the hallway, where several people stood.

Two men rushed inside and down beside Alex. They panicked and continuously asked for help. I sat on the chair and watched.

I caused this.


"We only need you in for questioning Miss Taylor, I highly doubt you're going to jail." The office told me as he stood in front of me with a clipboard.

Minutes earlier they had Alex's lifeless body being moved into the back of an ambulance, a sheet covering him. They pronounced him dead at the scene.

Many cop cars, roughly 5-6, and a sheriff surrounded the parking lot of the apartments. The red and blue lights lit everything up. They had police officers scouting the apartment for any evidence.

As of now, Harry and I were being escorted into the back of a police vehicle. We weren't handcuffed, just needed to be questioned back at the station.

"It'll be fine, I promise." Harry said to me. The driver of this car was standing outside the door, conversating with someone else.

"Should we...." I trailed off.

"What?" He asked.

"Should we tell them about, about the murder he committed?" I said nervously.

"It's best not to. I don't even remember the name." I nodded my head in agreement. Best not stir up anything else.

"Trust me, well be fine. We can go home later and get our mind off things." He said.

"Harry! Really? You say something like that in this situation?" I said angrily.

"I didn't mean it like that!" He said innocently. "But if that's what you're thinking...." I could hear the hint of joking in his voice.

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window.

Hours earlier I was on my way to school, enjoying life for once.

Then it turns to complete hell.


What do you think of Jess playing the Bad girl for once? :)

Also please take a look at my new fanfic "Memories" I'm not so sure about it

It's an Ashton Irwin story, I think it's cute. Comment on it please and let me know if I should continue it? :)



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