Chapter 62

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Jess POV

I constantly tossed and tuned all night, Alans face making me cringe in my mind.

Harry's arm was wrapped around me all night and I'm surprised he didn't wake up from my constant movement.

Honestly he slept like a baby.

To pass time I would just look at him, the lamp was still on.

His face a few inches above mine, mouth slightly parted and deep breaths coming from it.

Since he was partially a deep sleeper I was able to run my fingers through his hair, appreciating how soft it was.

It amazed me how perfect such a troubled boy could be.

The fading bruises were traced with my fingers tips, his face wrinkling up for a second, but still sound asleep. Normally he's the one tossing and turned but I didn't get one ounce of sleep.

Morning finally came and I was hoping for the sun to wake him up.
I watched as his eyes fluttered open, eyebrows furrowing down at me.

"What's wrong?" His raspy voice almost startled me.

"Nothing." I smiled up at him, cuddling closer to his warm body.

He didn't respond back, his hand rubbing circles in my back, which felt rediculously amazing.

"I must have been tired, didn't wake up once." He rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"I know." I said with a small smile.

He lips tugged into a smile and leaned down, planting a kiss on the corner of my mouth.

"I'm taking a shower." He said, taking to covers off him and piling them on me.

I couldn't help but notice his perfectly toned chest as he grabbed a Tshirt, making sure it was clean.

He gave my a funny look before walking to the shower.

I sighed, struggling to get up and put on my clothes, realizing I was naked beneath these covers.

The sound of the water running assured me that he was in the shower now. I picked up my phone from the kitchen counter and looked to see a few missed calls.

They were mostly from Melissa, who was probably drunk since it was from 3 am.

I shook my head when I saw Alan's number beneath hers.

'Why can't you just leave me alone' I said in my head.

I knew he would be angry if I didn't call back, so I took the opportunity now before Harry was finished.

Pacing back and forth, it rang 3 times before he answered.

"Good morning beaut-"

"Shutup." I told him quickly.

"I can't wait until tonight." He said after a few seconds. I could mentally imagine him biting his lip right now which makes me want to gag.

"What time." I said making him hurry.

"Whenever it gets dark, come to my place."

"Okay bye." I said as rudely as possible before hanging up.

I realized the shower had stopped running and I was hoping he didn't hear anything.

I knew we would both want coffee, so I went to make a pot. His voice stopped me just before I hit the start button.

"No no no, I wanted to take you to get coffee." He said rushed. "You ruined the suprise."

I laughed, turning around the see him in a new blue button up shirt and of course his black pants. He looked so adorable, especially with his wet hair.

"Awh you look precious." I cooed at him, pulling on the collar of his new shirt.

He blushed a little, but you could barely tell. "I knew you'd like...whatever this is." He looked down at it.

"You were correct." I giggled, kissing him softly. His breath was minty, making me realize i really needed to brush my teeth also.

"My turn." I let go and scurried to the bathroom, where my stuff was already hanging up.

I didn't bother taking a shower, but I really needed to fix up my hair.

After washing my face twice and brushing my teeth, I pulled the hair brush through my brown hair a few times. I'm glad it's still straight.

Finally I grabbed my shirt off the hanger and pulled it down over my torso.

This was my favorite shirt ever. It was a flowy, peach color shirt with a white bow on the center of my back. The top half of my back was exposed but I was in love with the bow.

I was brave enough to put on white jeans, along with my goldish colored sandals. Honestly I could care less about shoes which is a bit odd.

I was always used to being bare foot back at home, and most of the time I was here too.

Putting on a coat of mascara, I checked for any blemishes but thankfully there was only one fading.

The mascara was really the only thing I needed, because the black made the blue of my eyes stand out.

I left my other clothes on the floor alongside Harry's and went back to the kitchen, where he was waiting.

"Oh you look precious." He mocked me, but I knew he was serious at the same time.

I laughed slightly, sliding my phone into my back pocket.

"Let's go." I changed the subject.


"Hazelnut coffee, extra sweetener." Harry confirmed, placing it in front of me.

Both of us liked the same type of coffee which I found very ironic.

"Thank you." I beamed, coffee makes me happy.

Harry took a sip of his drink then set it down gently.

"So do we have any tests tomorrow?" He asked. Even though he seems like a badass who could care less, he's very smart.

"No I don't think so." I stirred the straw around my cup.

"Good. I have an 89 in math now you know.." He beamed. I'm so glad that he's actually been letting me help him because I know he's much more capable than he thinks he is.

"Harry that's great!" I praised him, smiling from ear to ear, as was he.

He smiled down at his drink, nervously stirring his drink. I found it absolutely adorable how he gets shy when people say good things about him.

His whole image contradicts his real personality and it makes me even more attracted to him.

"How's the gym life?" I asked him, knowing exactly what I hoped to hear from him.

"Good I'm uh, actually suppose to train someone tonight but-"

"But?" Oh god I seemed a little too focused on this.

"But I was going to stay with you." He said questioningly.

"No, you should really go help out. I feel weird keeping you from all that." I said as casually as possible.

"Are you sure?" He flicked his eyes to mine.

"Of course, I can't keep you from everything." I smiled, crossing my arms on the table. "Do you really enjoy it there?"

"Yeah, it helps me you know." He replied. Who knows how bad his anger would be if he didn't go there constantly.

"That's good." I nodded my head.

"'ve helped me too." He replied, my heart melted at the powerful words.

"That makes me happy." I responded, him placing a hand over mine on top of the table.

"I still can't believe after how much I fucked up, you still like me." He admitted. "Why?"

I fumbled with my words, unsure of how to say it correctly. "I don't know."

"There's got to be a reason." He pushed.

My mouth parted, no words coming out, not knowing what to say.

"I know deep down there will always be something about you that I can't let go."

He smiled gently at my words.

"You're something else." He genuinely smirked, making my heart race.

"Says you." I laughed.

The remainder of the time we sat and drank our coffee, talking about nonsense that we wouldn't remember in a few hours.

"Would you like to go for a walk or something? The weather is perfect." He suggested.

"Sure." I said, dropping our empty coffee cups into the trash and walking out the door.

On our way out Harry even held the door for an older lady and it made me smile.

Maybe he is changing, I thought.

For the next few hours we strolled up and down the streets, looking into shops. After all Christmas was a few weeks away and they had up all the holiday supplies.

I guess with all this commotion I haven't realized how quickly the holiday was approaching.

We even sat down a few times and people watched, which is my favorite.

All the fun ended was when I realized the sun would be setting soon and I needed to be somewhere.

Fucking somewhere.

"We should get going, my feet are killing me." I whined.

"That's fine, I'll take you home." He replied sweetly, grabbing my hand.


"See you later babe." I kissed him quickly before he drove out of sight.

Thankfully my parents weren't home so they assumed I was at Melissa's, if they even come home before then.

I dragged my feet to my room and changed into sweats and a Tshirt.

Why try to impress someone who you wish would die?

My hands trembled as it finally came to me what was going on.

I can't do this, it's so wrong.

But then I think of Harry and I feel like shit for putting him at risk.

I feel like shit no matter what I do.

Making sure I had my phone, I went to my car and typed in the address Alan had texted me.

After a shaky realization, I got the car into gear and drove off.


This is why I don't make goals for a reason

I suck at updates and I can't promise you guys anything

But I can promise that I love you guys, every single one of you


Tweet me and we can cry together

IG ((shared account))

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