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I screamed and screamed and screamed. I didn't stop. Not when my throat turned raw. Not when my scream stared to fade. My arms were over my face while my face hidden behind them.

I was scared with my life.

As if my senses were morphed into the reality, I could feel it slowly. My shoulders were being shaken and my name being called. "Aurora!"

Soon the voice was turning vivid. And my shoulders could felt the violence which it was being shaken with. "Aurora!"

I could now feel it all. It was clear now. My shoulders being shaken and my name for now third time being called. But louder this time. "Aurora!"

My arms fell from my face as I tried to look through my tears.

I blinked once. Twice. Thrice. Until the tears let me saw through them.

Trevor stood, bent over me while I was shrunk in the chair. My breathing was still elevated. My face wet with my tears. I was perplexed as to what had happened now.

Where was that man? He was there... About to attack me...where was he?

My eyes scrutinized around me. People were on their table stilled while staff was riveted to the spot in the middle of there jobs. They all held a similar shadow on their face as if they just witnessed a nutjob.

Trev met my line of vision. He could see the same. Their eyes gawking at me.

He grasped my wrist and pulled me up the chair. Behind him stood a lanky man in glasses. I had seen him before. It was his assitant. Trev muttered him something that I couldn't hear and he nodded.

He dragged me along with him. Entrapped in my disorientation, I let him. All the eyes following me, all the way out until we weren't disappeared behind the door.

I was letting him drag me like I was lost to all my wits because I was. I was lost in making sense to what just happened. But I couldn't. I just remained lost.

He was there. That man. He lunged at me. I screamed. Then there was Trev.

What was happening?

Was I losing it?

That couldn't be my delusion. It was very real. That man. He was there. As real as me. As real as the fear that was quivering inside me.

I came to a halt, pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked at him. Still disoriented. He had stopped near desolated parking spot.

His eyes were hard. Not a flicker of concern in that. And it was fool of me to even look for that. "What was that?"

"I don't know," I whispered, shaking my head. I didn't know what to say. What to explain. It wasn't making sense to me then how would it make any logical sense to him. "I just got frightened."

"Of what?" he demanded, there was a perplexed look crossed on him.

I didn't know that either. Who was that I was scared of. That man. Was I just hallucinating?

"Aurora, what was it that you got scared of?" he was running out of patience as he again demanded.

My eyes remain fixed at him. He was addled yet he held an air of obnoxious around him.

Why it had to be Trevor of all people?

I broke up with him last night and now I was here with him who had witnessed the act of mine that questioned my sanity.

I didn't want to deal with this now. I just couldn't. "Leave me alone!" I tried walking past him but he was quick to grab my arm and pull me back.

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