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The moon hung beautifully in the violet sky adorned by the stars glazing around it. But the wind of freezing winter was blowing in a gusty currents, piercing the silence of the night, making the night eerie than any moonless night.

A car driving through the muddy swamps surrounded by dense woods came to a halt.

A mesmerizing man with beauty resembling to a night, dark yet appealing, scooted out of it. His sleek raven hairs were as dark as the tan wood, swaying back with gust of air blowing. He rounded around the car in his lithe movements, walking to the other door.

He pulled it open and bent to pick up the small frame of the girl with beauty as radiant as the glowing moon. She was limped in her arms as he carried her to the cabin.

His eyes skimmed over her knuckles which were bloodied and bruised. She was being a bother, kicking the door, knocking her knuckles on the window until they bled, and screaming. So he spelled her into a forced slumber.

He loved silence more since that unfortunate yet inevitable happening happened years ago, pushing him back into the darkness he once cherished the most. But now nothing made sense to him. Nothing made revel him in his sins. It was all so meaningless.

But after today all would make sense to him. All would be meaningful to him.

The girl in her arms was a curse that was needed to be end. And he would turn back his life into the one he had craved for almost the last two decades.

He walked inside the cabin illuminated by the candles which lit upon their own on his entrance.

The cabin contained no furniture, just a big empty mahogany table in the centre. He placed the girl on it, gazing at her enrapturing beauty. But he wasn't mesmerized by it, he was bothered. Bothered by undecipherable emotions nagging at the back of his head. But they mattered him nothing. He was a black wizard with blackest of heart. Ending an innocent life wasn't his first time.

And he would have what he had waited for, today.

He grappled her hand, grazing his thumb over the soft skin of her wrist. A black triangle appeared as he removed his thumb, resembling like an emblem.

He gazed at it, an uneven smile twisting his lips, emanating his malicious intents.

His eyes skimmed over the triangle like mark on her hand. It was a seal. His eyes glanced over Aurora and then fixed back on the mark, scrutinizing it. A seal to cease the legendary magic of Grim Shadow.

The base line of the triangle symbolized her and the others two lines emerging out of the base joining together symbolized the one who had bonded with her magic to seal it.

His finger trailed one line of the triangle that was like a faded scar blending in her skin. While the other was as dark as the newly drilled tattoo.

Anger etched into his features. She was a curse. And now he would turn this curse into a boon. Then everything would be like as it was used to be.

His fingers curled around her wrist on the mark in a crushing grip, squeezing it as hard as possible while closing his eyes.

He needed to weaken the seal. So that when he would kill her, a strong force of her magic would release with her soul, flooding the air with the most powerful magic the world of magic had ever seen.

He had been searching for a way. He had traveled across the world. To find the magic for attaining what he wanted. All the years of patience and search had him led to a legendary yet vanished practice in the wizardry world.

Thousands years ago when any clan master with a superior magic died. Higher ranking members of that clan would use the moment of his death to cast the most powerful spell under the presence of his releasing soul which oozed out gushing flow of magic. They used it for the prosperity of the clan, but he would use it for the prosperity of his own.

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