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After a minute silence, looking at Charlie in perplexity. Oliver thought to end the silence engulfing the room. "She died." Olivier said with the hardened tone.

Charlie reclined back in his seat, with a broken expression. His hand resting on the armrest of his seat clenched it tightly. "Erebus!" He whispered harshly.

"But how do you know?" He didn't look in a state to answer so Oliver didn't push it when he said nothing.

Again silence took over as Oliver chose to remain quiet, giving him some time to get ahold of his emotions.

When the hushed ambience of the room turned heavy, suppressing his anger, Charlie let out a long sigh. He opened his mouth but refrained, looking at me with hesitance.

"She's familiar with all. She knows about us." Oliver piped in.

"She knew that she was going to die." Oliver's eyes widened while my brow furrowed, for not able to understand the words he just spoke.

"Did she see this coming?" Oliver's voice cracked, he seemed to understand what he meant.

"Ya, she told me a year ago."

"This couldn't be possible!" He threw his hands in air in raving distrust.

Charlie's eyes casted an empathic look to him. "When a year passed we thought the same as nothing is certain when it comes to future but it seems, this was."

My heart spasmed when I saw the tears brimming his eyes. "Why...why she never told me this?"

"Oliver," Charlie breathed. "She loved you. At that time you were already dwelling with Liam's death. She didn't want to give you any reason to worry."

A hurting bitterness morphed into his features. "Worry was better than to cope up with this."

Not able to come up with any assuagement, Charlie remained quiet, as he tried to bear his own hurt. It seemed Cheryl was a very close friend to him.

Whenever I thought silence was going to break, it again rebuilt itself and weighed much more than before.

"I want to end Erebus." Unimaginable words echoed in the silence. Charlie's and my head darted at Oliver who had a furious fire flaming in those hazel orbs.

"Grandma used o say something about perdition. What's that?" He asked.

Charlie looked at him, but there was no tides of skirmishes rising behind those ocean blue eyes that would  have suspected so.

Charlie lightly smiled as if it was the most obvious thing for him to declare. "Cheryl told me you would want to do that. So not to stop you which I badly want to do, but it seems there's no stopping you."

Oliver eyes trained with resolution at him cuing him to continue.

"Perdition, it's a realm where the evil can be trapped."

Oliver leant a little over the desk, looking at him intently. "Does it need any spell to cast?"

"It's a real complex procedure that I don't remember like this. I do need some time to study about the perdition."

Oliver sighed. "Fine, but how much time does that require?"

"At least a month. I need to study a whole lot ancient scripts about the perdition and some of the spells and about the requirements of the spells."

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