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Reuben's POV-:

As those big fat tears rolled down her cheeks, I felt my heart tearing in conflicts.

That man in poncho set fire on the dry grass that was circled over the white circle where the sacrifices were trapped. Screams of terror echoed, pricking in my ears. But I didn't let them reach to me. Because they didn't matter. All that mattered to me was Aurora.

I removed my eyes from the sight, taking in a deep breath. I had to let it go. There was nothing I could do.

My body stiffened for a moment, but then I swung back, clamping my hand over the mouth of the hooded guy that snuck behind me, and forcing his neck to the side, a snap resounded, and he dropped limp on the ground.

That was close.

I would have felt him the moment he directed towards me, but I let my mind wandered off.

My eyes again shifted to that girl, a fear of death was obstinate in her eyes. Even though her shade of green was lighter than Aurora, her eyes still made me remember her. Maybe it was her innocence.


My fist clenched as I let out a resigned sigh.

I knew it could jeopardize the safety of our plan. But these emotions were forcing me to act on morals. Morals that wouldn't have meant a thing to me, if I hadn't fallen for Aurora.

I quickly grazed my eyes over there group to run a quick estimate of there wretched number present here. They were twenty. Less the number I had encountered before.

They were all quiet, but of course not in the horror of the happening. There was a content smile twisting the corners of their lips. Not a single wizard here had a speck of remorse in them. Just insanity glazed them as the sacrifices shrieked for mercy.

They all deserved to die.

I let my concealed magic seeped out of me in waves, mingling with their dark one. I increased the seeping flow of my magic in air, dissembling the source that was me.

I looked at those wizards. Their heads were turning in all direction, searching for the source of this unexpected flow of energy.

Soon there was stir in their gathering. Confused murmurs blending with screams of sacrifices stretched over the place.

My magic held a rare ambivalence of dark and light in it. Which of course had them perplexed at its unwanted presence.

Here every energy was dark so sensing a light in an energy could pin their suspicions at only one thing. There was a wizard from any light clan was spying over them.

I searched among the group of those wizards for a trace of Abel, but he wasn't in the sights anywhere. Carol said that he never waited for the ritual to complete. It seemed he hadn't.

The murmurs increased while I caught a glimpse of a wizard emerging out of the assemblage, making its way in the direction where Carol led Oliver to the camp set. Probably to inform Abel.

Not gonna happen.

A scream resounding over the screams of innocents echoed off the trees making every dark wizard look over their backs.

Some of them mouths gaped at the sight while the other lips were pressed shut in a grim line.

That wizard going for Abel was laying on the ground, his body unmoving with blood gushing out of his mouth like a river.

Some of the wizards strode in his direction, gathering around his dead form while other stood glued at their place.

This all awaited for their fate.

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