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I could feel something restless brewing inside my body, struggling to get free. It was a foreign sensation biting at every inch of my body.

My eyes slowly fluttered open. I was being carried. I lifted my eyes up and saw through my Aaron?

I frowned.

He gazed down at me. "You're up."

Last thing I remembered was being taken away by Irene. He wanted to kill me. What happened? How Aaron was here? I was saved... How?

I nodded. "You can put me down."

He complied to my wish. My head, it was so fuzzy. My steps tumbled a little, but Aaron put his arm around my back and steadied me.

"Last person I saw wasn't you." I stated, feeling perplexed.

A scream echoed around. We both turned back. It was coming from inside that wooden lodge.

"Who's it?" I asked, dread washing over me.

"Well, the one who was about to kill you." He told.

I looked at his way with a frown. Was he talking about Irene?

"We have to hurry." Aaron grasped my hand, tugging at it. "Gramps said to run. Come on."

Charlie? What was happening?

Holding my hand, he led me to the dark woods. "Aaron why are we going in the forest?"

He didn't answer, just kept his grip firm around my hand, making me run with him.

I didn't know what was he trying to do, but whatever it was, I didn't feel safe in these woods. There was something off about the air here, like an unwanted presence was looming over us.

But nothing seemed to bother Aaron. We had both ran quite deeper inside it.

Suddenly, Aaron's feet stopped without warning, and I smashed onto his back.

I rubbed my forehead. "Why did you stop here?"

I glanced around. We were at the exit of the woods, near the road. These were the outskirts of the city, and it was night. So it wasn't safe here. And not when the dark wizards were on my trail.

His fingers uncurled around my hand as he turned to me.


He pushed me back, my spine collided with the tree trunk. He pulled off the black fingerless glove from his hand and threw it off.

A dark look casted over his face, making my heart sink.

My eyes fixed at the deep bloodied gash on the back of his hand like someone had scratched there with all his might. It should've been something that wouldn't have crossed my mind right now.

But it did cross my mind, and I looked down at my nails. There was blood dried at its edges. I did remember scratching that dark wizard who abducted me.

No! I felt my world hit by a vertigo.

I stared at him in disbelief as he came up to me. "It was you?" I spoke, frozen by the trepidation of the moment. "You were the one who came for me at Charlie's place."

A vicious smirk played on his lips as his hands pinned me to the tree. His face just a breath away from mine. "It had always been me."

I looked at him, a betrayed look crossing my face. All the people around me now were showing there true colors. All the time they had been with me. It was all a facade to deceive. So the moment I trusted them without a doubt they would stab me at my back.

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