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The hard wood of floor digging at my back was replaced by a soft surface, and all the light around was snuffed out shrouding my surroundings in a darkness.

My heart was racing while my breath came out in small shivers. I was terrified, so terrified that my words fell short to draw my trembling self in words.

An instant ago, I was on the floor, and he was towering over me. But all dissolved in a blink of an eye.

I knew that he was here somewhere, reveling in his sadistic pleasure, putting me in some sort of sick illusion of his.

My palms dipped in the velvet touch of a soft cushy surface as I pushed myself up, sitting, staring everywhere around me in perplexity, and in neverending dread.

I was addled beyond a reasoning. I sat over a bed, a spherical, stark crimson bed. A black canopy suspended over my head, cascading at either side of me.

There was a glow of an obscured source that was wrapped a little around in the few feet of diameter, and beyond that it was all black, not a silhouette could be made out.

I braced myself for the horror that might come out unexpectedly out of the dark, but it was silent, abnormally silent.

My eyes were looking around the dark in a frantic motion, sweat dripping my forehead while an overwhelming fear unnerved me of any action.

Suddenly, the flesh down below my ribs started to throb. I whimpered in pain, clutching my side.

As I let in a short breaths, I noticed a figure loping out of the dark. My eyes remained fixed on it while my palm remained clutched to my side on my painfully throbbing flesh.

The figure grew nearer and nearer with every sense in my body dazing with deluging fear.

The face with every feature carved delicately in a perfect symmetry that should have been a belonging of any being of light held a diabolical smirk, and those honey colored irises were fixed on me in a twisted fascination. I felt like being a toy of any deranged being.

As he stood at the foot of the bed, I found myself cowering back.

"There's no escape now, Aurora," his voice was low in a husky yet an intimidating whisper.

I looked around in vulnerability, trying to find a way to run. But all I saw was dark, darkness all around.

Abruptly, I felt an imperceivable grip around my ankle, and in a second I was tugged down.

I yelped.

His eyes wandered over me as I laid, splayed on the bed in front of him like a piece of a display. "At last, we are together," his frame loomed over me, his face nearing mine.

This proximity washed a wave of dread over me making me frozen at my spot under him.

His mouth inched closer to my skin, trailed down my jaw to the crook of my neck while his hand grappled the nape of my neck in a harsh clutch, his fingers digging at my flesh.

I bit my lip, suppressing the whimper that threatened to escape past my lips.

"I will eradicate the every trace of that vermin from you." he growled, there was a threatening promise reverberating in his words.

It was my basic human instinct to fear the threatening kinds as him, but at the moment, his words clouded every basics in my mind, and I let the the moment to get over my mind while I spoke these gallant words. "What would you do about my heart?"

His fingers at my nape dug inside the skin like needles puncturing my flesh.

I hissed in pain.

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