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"She'll be like this for another hour, right?" A gruff voice throbbed in my head.

"Yeah, she'll be. Park the car on the side. We need to tell him. He said he himself would like to take the girl with him." Another voice spoke.

My body stirred in struggle as the noises which sounded like a faded whispers in beginning started to get clear.

I could feel and hear everything, but my eyes were forced shut, just like the movements of my body. It was like something binding me, restraining my body from inside, like a force, and there was something yielding inside me, fighting that force.

I felt the car stopped, and my body stopped vibrating.

"No signals!" A voice hissed, clicking the tongue in annoyance.

The clicking sound resounded, perking up my ears. And the force that restrained me felt like shedding away. My fingers twitched, gaining a movement which was now passing down to all my body and finally my eyes shot open.

The first thing my eyes flickered frantically was to the car door to the driver's side, which was being opened, and silhouette of a man with a broad shoulders was scooting out of the car.

I was laid at the back seat, and to my great relief my limbs weren't restrained.

There was another man sitting beside the driver's seat, making my heart drop in fright.

I had to refrain from moving my body much. If the shuffling noises of my movements got to him he would know that I was awakened, and he would surely tie me up, or worse, send me back to that sleep.

But if I wouldn't move now, then I had no chances to escape.

I'm scared.

I had to do it right now, if I wanted to save myself.

Composing my breathing, I slowly and very silently rose from my position, whole time my eyes trained to the person at the front.

My hand slowly and very cautiously was making its way to the door handel, my fingers curled around it, and I very silently tried to click it open, but it was too hushed that the sound it made, echoed.

He jumped from the seat, turning, looking over me from the headrest of his seat.

"Hey!" He yelled in a warning.

His yelling coursed the adrenaline through my veins, making me jounce into an immediate action.

I pushed the door and scrambled out of the car. Door to front seat of the car flung open. "She's getting away!"

Glancing one last look to find the another man charging towards me. I turned tail and sprinted off from there.

I didn't know where my location was right now, except for that I was near the deserted area of the road, and across it was some exotic looking establishment.

I could still hear there chasing footsteps, hiking my panic. I ran towards the establishment with all my might, like this was a race I had to win at any cost, or it would be my end.

My lungs were burning, my breath was huffing, but I pushed myself harder. If they caught me. It was all over.

I hurriedly ascended the front steps, leading towards an already opened door. There was an exit sign to it. It was maybe a back exit of this place.

Running through a long hallway, I spotted some people, but before I could ask them for any sort of help. I looked over my shoulder to find them still on my trail. They were near the front steps.

Demon ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now